The Heart & Hands Tarot deck is a labor of love completed over the course of ten years by artist and illustrator Liz Blackbird. The deck’s eclectic imagery is rooted in the traditional figures and symbolism of the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck and is stylistically unified by an intricate line-drawing technique. The court cards consist of a King, a Queen, a Prince, and a Princess, and the numbered cards feature full illustrations, rather than simple "pip" drawings. Flowers and figures spill from the images' frames—the exuberance of the illustrations reflects the power of the cards and the artist's joy in creating them. Like a mandala or an illuminated manuscript, the detailed illustrations invite extended contemplation and reveal more the longer you look.
With the support of my backers, I was able to print a large run of this deck in fall of 2016 (thanks, everyone!). The deck is still available as a perk for donating to this InDemand campaign, and I have also made it available on Etsy.
About the Artist
In a tarot reading, the figure of the Fool represents both the beginning of a journey and the enlightened return home. I began this project with the Fool’s ambition, crafting the mysterious and powerful Major Arcana cards in my early twenties in a period when I was at my least enlightened, but also at my most confident and attuned with my own creativity. I drew the court cards as I graduated from college and set out to travel and learn about the world. As I experienced my first love, I drew the Cups, and I worked on the Pentacles as I adapted to the responsibilities of my first full-time job. When my relationship ended, I distracted myself by drawing Swords piercing hearts and hands. As a new relationship blossomed and I transitioned to a career with more room for self-expression, I drew the Wands, and felt the fires of neglected creativity and confidence rise within me. Throughout the years, working on these cards nourished my spirit and kept me rooted in a creative practice even as the distractions and necessities life vied for precedence. I completed the deck as I turned thirty, and entered that decade feeling reborn. I hope that this deck will aid all who use it to look inward and reconnect with creativity, confidence, and love.
Deck Progress
My campaign concluded successfully in September (thanks again to everyone who helped make this dream a reality!), and a large run of the deck, packaged in a beautiful customized tuck box, has been printed. Copies of the decks were shipped to all donors who requested them, and further copies are available to be sent out immediately to those who donate $35 plus shipping. I've also made the deck available on Etsy, for ease of ordering and tracking. It continues to be an honor and a pleasure to share this project with the world!
Music featured in the project video: "For One," by Mariel Berger, performed by Kallie Ciechomski
Photos © Erika Kapin Photography