Update: Post Indiegogo Contributions
As explained below, despite the amazing success of the Indiegogo campaign, we still need to raise additional funds. If you would like to contribute, please do so at paypal.com to sales@cporganics.com. Also, you can send a check directly to the farm: Cayuga Pure Organics, 18 Banks Rd, Brooktondale, NY 14817. If you would like to talk with someone on the farm directly about a potential contribution, please call Erick at 607-273-2621 or Amy at 607-793-0085.
Short Summary
Cayuga Pure Organics is a small farm near Ithaca, New York that grows organic, non-GMO dry beans and grains, including several heirloom varieties. Working with a few other local organic farmers, they distribute this healthy food to restaurants, stores, farmers markets and CSAs throughout New York and the Northeast. Cayuga Pure Organics is the only major supplier of locally grown organic dried beans in the region. CPO truly occupies a unique position in the food system and plays a key role in the movement to rebuild our food system on a local, sustainable basis.
On May 30, 2013, a devastating fire, started accidentally by a child, destroyed the barn that housed all of CPO's cleaning and packaging equipment and a considerable amount of inventory. With the new harvest starting in July, they need to replace the equipment before any of these new crops can be sold.
Insurance policies will only cover a small percentage of the necessary funds to replace the lost facilities and most of this is needed just for ongoing expenses while a new facility is built. If Cayuga Pure Organics cannot raise funds to rebuild, the farm will not survive.
What We Need & What You Get
The survival of Cayuga Pure Organics is what's on the line. Funds will provide a new well-insulated beanery building ($104,500 including 3-phase electric, plumbing, ventilation, and one outside grain bin), cleaning, processing, and bagging equipment (specific pieces cost from $300 for flow controls to $25,000 for a de-huller), as well as setup costs.
Your contribution can go towards our overall goal or, if you wish, you can contribute the amount needed for a specific piece of equipment and be recognized for that contribution. You can do this in two ways, either by contributing the amount needed for specific equipment, or by being part of a team that purchases a needed piece of equipment. The new facility will have plaques recognizing such contributions.
Due to the nature of our campaign, the greatest gift to you will be the realization that you have made a real difference in supporting the local sustainable food system by supporting this rebuilding effort. All friends (new and old) who contribute will receive a hand-written (and heartfelt) invitation to celebrate at the farm when the new facilities are operational. Each contribution is greatly valued, and everyone who participates in this project will be recognized and honored.
If the total goal is not raised, the funds raised will purchase the most urgent pieces of equipment while the farm seeks additional funding to survive. Each piece is important. Last week a small collection at the local grocery store brought in $68, which bought a new heat sealer for bags. This heat sealer is the first step in re-establishing CPO's retail bagging operation, one step in rebuilding the income flow. Every dollar truly does help the farm move towards full production.
The Impact
Cayuga Pure Organics was founded in 2003 based on a simple mission, specifically to be part of a movement that is developing a food system that works. To accomplish this mission, CPO recognizes that it is not just the food itself that is important, but the whole system by which that food is produced and made available. The specific goals are:
- To produce food that promotes health and enjoyment and to make such food available to as many people as possible.
- To contribute to distribution systems that allow food to reach urban populations both economically and in a way that creates bonds between consumers and farmers.
- To create an environment where interested people, who may lack both resources and knowledge about food production, can both learn the basic skills needed in food production and distribution and become vested participants in the systems that we are building.
- To support the viability of other farmers by making the systems we build available for their products and to make consumers directly aware of this network of farmers working to bring them their food
- To accomplish all of these goals in a way that does not deplete or destroy the resources necessary to continue this into future generations.
With the vast resources and market power of the global industrial food system, accomplishing this goal is a major challenge, but a challenge that must be met if we are to have a safe and dependable food system for our children and future generations. Cayuga Pure Organics is doing everything it can to accomplish these goals. Because CPO is the only major supplier of these basic foods in the region, its continued viability is a key part of helping make this change a reality. By supporting Cayuga Pure Organics at this critical time, you also play a significant role in this process.
Other Ways You Can Help
Share this campaign with all of your networks! Interested groups include:
- vegan and vegetarian groups
- gluten-free and celiac forums
- foodies
- non-GMO activists
- other farmers and agriculture supporters
- slow-food, whole-food proponents
- organizations supporting food security
- regional locavores
Also, please continue to purchase Cayuga Pure Organics beans and grains from your local grocery or at Greenmarkets in New York City, and at GreenStar Cooperative Market and other stores in Ithaca, New York.