Short Summary
I am one of the team moms for Cheer Extreme Lady Elite, Senior Medium All-girl Level 5 All-star Cheerleading team. Although, Cheer Extreme has been around for many years Lady Elite is a new team this season.
As a parent, I never would have thought cheerleading could have such a powerful impact on my daughter. I have to admit I was like most Americans and had no idea there was a difference between school cheerleading and all-star cheerleading. All-star Cheerleading is where athletes both male and female perform a 2 1/2 minute routine in competitons all over the world. In the short routine the athletes perform stunts, standing tumbling, running tumbling and dance. These athletes practice several hours a week all year long to get a shot to show the world what they can do in only 2 1/2 minute. My daughter is in her 5th year of All-star cheer and has gained confidence, perseverance and determination as well as life long friends and lots of physical exercise.
My daughter along with the other 32 teammates and alternates for Lady Elite have a dream to show the world how wonderful they are by competing at the Cheerleading Worlds. The Cheerleading Worlds are like the Olympics for All-Star cheer, teams from all over the world compete for the title of World Champion. First, a senior level 5 team must receive a bid in order to be able to compete at worlds. Lady Elite competed at 3 national events and barely missed getting the bid each time. Instead of giving up, this team decided to have extra practices, train every day outside of the gym and try even harder. With the help of their amazing coaches they had new music, new dances and changes to the routine. This team hit the floor at Battle of the Capitol excited and confident. After two amazing routines (one Saturday and one Sunday) they won for their division. They beat out some truly amazing teams that have a reputation for being remarkable. Lady Eite was awarded an At-Large bid to the Cheerleading Worlds and missed out on receiving a paid bid by less than 1 point. The paid bid comes with 25,000 to cover allof the cheerleaders expenses getting to Worlds and costs while they are there. Lady Elite has some truly compassionate and inspiring athletes that have been through so much personally that having to pay the expenses to get to Worlds may be more than they can handle. Please help... this truly amazing determined team needs to get to Worlds and they need your help. I promise you won't be disappointed!
What We Need & What You Get
Your money will go directly to pay the cost for each athlete. It will cost around $580 per girl to attend Worlds. This amount only includes registration fees, hotel fees and travel while in Orlando. This amount does not cover the cost of the cheerleader getting from North Carolina to Orlando, nor does it include the cost for any family member to attend Worlds or the family's hotel expense.
Ideally, the team would love to be able to fly together, but right now we are trying to raise funds so they will stay as a team once they arrive, and no one will be forced to stay behind. Cheerleading Worlds will be held the last weekend in April, so time is limited to raise the needed funds.
The Impact
When you donate, even a small amount, you are helping those 33 cheerleaders reach their dream. You are helping the athlete who lost her father less than a year ago to cancer, the athlete who's dad fights everyday dealing with his cancer, the girl who lost her grandfather 6 months ago after a horrible stroke, the girl whose parents recently divorced, girl who works extra jobs just to be able to cheer or maybe the girl that a coach at another gym told her she will would never make it as a level 5 cheerleader and should just give up. You would be helping Sarah Macrow and the rest of the amazing coaches that encourage, motivate and believe in these athletes each and every day.
My daughter and the other 32 ladies on this team work hard in the gym and at school and really need your help to make their dream a reality. I promise you won't be sorry!