Wrapping things up...
Be sure to check out the photo gallery to see our improved duck house. It still needs additional improvements, but it's progress! There are also pictures of perks, Dobby, and his friends.
A big "Thank you!" to everyone who has contributed to, shared, posted, or tweeted about, and supported this campaign. :) There's still time to get the perks, but that time is running out! If you've been considering reserving eggs or requesting a felt duck friend, now is the time!
And now, the most Exciting News!
Dobby's Dream Duck has arrived! She's from Holderread's Waterfowl Farm and Preservation Center and is a Show Breeder Quality Silver Appleyard Duck! This means the eggs you can get for hatching via our perks have the potential to provide you with show quality Silver Appleyard Ducklings! Eggs will be available on a very limited basis, so reserve yours now! :)
Here she is,
Drizzle The Duck:
For more pictures of Drizzle and to hear about her adjustment to flock life, visit
Dobby's Blog or
Dobby The Duck on facebook.
The backstory:
Dobby is a Silver Appleyard drake who hatched at Boondocker's Farm on or around May 20, 2014. That's Dobby below, the one with the black spot on his head.
Dobby and two other ducklings, Herman and Ducky Barnes, were given to their human by a family that ordered a large number of ducklings to raise for meat. (Pictured below)
Dobby is almost grown now and he's looking for a mate.
This is more challenging than it may seem because Silver Appleyard Ducks aren't all that common. In fact, they are on The Livestock Conservancy's Heritage Breeds Critical List.
Dobby and his human hope to use his quest to find a mate as a platform for raising awareness about the plight of Heritage Breeds, and to educate the world about how awesome ducks are!
Helping Charities:
Dobby realizes he's just one duck in a world full of ducks who need a mate, food, and a safe place to live. Out of every $100 contributed, a minimum of $10 will be donated to an organization that helps domestic ducks, such as waterfowl rescues and preservation centers. The
Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary is one of the organizations that will receive contributions from the campaign.
What Dobby Needs
Matchmaking fees (i.e. what the breeder charges) will run around $30.
Shipping or transportation costs will be at least another $60.
Dobby's human would prefer not to put the duck of his dreams through the stress of being shipped, so a duck on the west coast, somewhere within a few hours of the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area is preferred.
Ducks need a minimum of a one drake to one duck ratio for peace and harmony. (actually it's more for the health and happiness of the ducks (females) as the drakes can be, um, pretty persistent.) As luck would have it, of the three ducklings given to Dobby's human, two are drakes.
Ducky Barnes is a Saxony drake. He's the handsome fellow with the grey head in the photo below. Herman is a petite duck with non-breed standard coloration. That means she doesn't look like a Saxony or a Silver Appleyard, but she's super cute.
Dobby often feels like the third wheel.
The ducks are presently living in The Duck Fort, though they have run of the yard during the day time. The humans did the best they could with what they had, but there will need to be a larger night time house if the Duck of Dobby's Dreams is going to move in. $250 would cover a larger house and truly predator proof pen for night time.
The Duck Fort:
And Dobby would love a bigger "pond" to paddle about in with the duck of his dreams. The present "pond" is a kiddie sandbox that is depressingly shallow and rather cramped for three ducks, much less four. $100 is the most a pond liner or stock tank would cost.
Dobby's human is committed to reusing materials and will buy used items when ever possible. Contributions above and beyond those needed for matchmaking fees, transportation, and upgraded housing will go toward feed, bedding and some gravel to help with drainage around the pool.
You want to help Dobby out, but first you want to know what's in it for you
Obviously you get the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing you helped a duck find love.
If that isn't enough, we hope some of these perks will help you feel appreciated.
Check out the Gallery, above, to see photos of the cool handcrafted perks! (You can also request that your perks be shipped to someone else who would enjoy receiving some Duck Happiness.)
Each and every person who contributes will be showered with appreciation on
Dobby The Duck's facebook page and blog Your Daily Dose of Duck .
For every contribution of $5 or more you will receive an instagram photo print of Dobby.
For every $10 contribution you will receive small crocheted duckbill. Perfect for selfies, teddy bears, American Girl Dolls, or for your cat to wear if it's inclined to play dress up.
Or, if you prefer, you can receive a bouquet of feathers from Dobby and his friends.
For every contribution of $25 or more you will receive 6 unique instagram photo prints of Dobby and his friends.
For ever Contribution of $25 you may also request to be put on the wait list to receive 6 fertilized Silver Appleyard duck eggs for hatching once they are available. This may not be until next spring so you will need to be patient. (Egg shipping costs are not included with this perk.)
For Every $50 contribution you will be put on the priority list to receive 6 fertilized Silver Appleyard duck eggs once they are available. This may not be until spring, so you'll need to be patient. (Egg shipping costs are included with this perk.)
For every $100 contribution you will have the option of adopting 3 ducklings if the Duck of Dobby's Dreams, Herman, or a hen foster mom, is broody and hatches ducklings. We will not be incubating eggs ourselves, so this perk will be fulfilled at the whim of the poultry. This is probably not even a possibility until the summer of 2015. You may also request to be put on a list to receive 6 fertilized Silver Appleyard duck eggs. (Shipping of eggs is included in this perk. We are not able or willing to ship ducklings. If there are ducklings in the future you would need to come get them, or we can arrange a meeting point somewhere within 2 hours of Portland.)
UPDATE : Our broody hen, the hen that goes broody the end of May every year, was feeling rather weak after this years persistent attempt to hatch imaginary eggs. (You can't reason with chickens!) She has made a full recovery and I have promised her duck eggs to hatch next spring. Unless there are unforeseen glitches, it seems quite possible that she will be able to hatch ducklings and they will be available the end of June-ish, depending on exactly when she goes broody.
Poultry have a mind of their own
Please understand that while we will do everything within our power to fulfill the perks, we cannot guarantee when they will be fulfilled. Even if the ducks are happy, healthy and cooperative, it will take time to gather eggs and get them to people.
We also cannot guarantee that your eggs will hatch. We will do everything in our power to provide you with clean, fertile eggs, that have been properly handled. However, we cannot guarantee that your incubation process will result in ducklings. If your eggs have to be shipped please remember that the postal system is not without its jostling and jarring, which can render the eggs unhatchable. Again, we will do everything we can to package the eggs properly to give you, and them, the best possible chance.
Other Ways You Can Help.
Please help spread the word of Dobby's search for the Duck of His Dreams.
By doing so you also help educate people about ducks, Heritage Breeds, and the organizations that are working to keep them alive.
And if you have suggestions of organization that should receive donations from the contributions to this campaign leave them in a comment.