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Why did we launch this crowdfunding campaign?
We started the MONICET project 4 years ago as a way to create a bridge between tourism industry, science and cetacean conservation.
Building from this, we presented a proposal to the Azorean Regional Government to move beyond the observation data generated by MONICET. This project (of around 30,000€) was doing well on the evaluation and selection processes, and we started the activities counting on it. Unfortunately the project was “frozen”. In other words: no more funds.
For this reason we are in a very delicate situation, as we only have funds to guarantee this project until the end of summer 2013. After that if we don’t get further support we will loose all the hard work done during the past 4 years.
This is our last chance to take the MONICET platform to its logical next step, and we need your support. Without it we will loose a valuable tool for cetacean conservation and research.
The MONICET platform has two main parts. Data is collected from whale and dolphin watching companies to create a database of cetaceans sightings in the Azores. At the same time it also offers a public website to disseminate information about the Azorean cetaceans.
Building on the data collected, we intend to improve the existing knowledge on key issues related with cetacean conservation. We have now two sub-projects started, one to study whale and dolphin distribution and the other to analyse the potential impact of tourism on them.
1. Distribution project: It is essential for cetacean conservation and management to understand where they are. The data gathered within the MONICET platform gives us a general idea, but the commercial activities are geographically restricted. To have a realistic picture of what is going on we need to look at all the area, and not only in specific areas. To do that we are performing a dedicated sampling campaign. We are listening (with a hydrophone!) and looking at the ocean to find whales and dolphins in places where there are no tourist operations. At the end we will fill the data gaps and be able to know the real distribution of cetaceans in the Azores.
2. Disturbance project: We are using some whale and dolphin watching data to understand where the cetaceans are. But we don't know how these activities are affecting them. To answer this question we are looking from land (with very powerful binoculars) to see how cetacean react to the tourist activities. This way we will be able to know if and how we are affecting them, and to produce recommendations to improve whale and dolphin watching activities.
These two projects are linked together and are essential in order to generate the knowledge and the tools to protect and preserve the Azorean cetaceans.
- A hard-won collaboration with the cetacean tourist industry
- A tool to collect cetacean observation data from commercial operations (MONICET)
- Two full time dedicated PhD students, Arianna and Marc (more info about us in the profiles)
- A group of international scientists supervising the project
- A sailing boat fully equiped (with hydrophones and computers) available to do the cetacean sampling campaign
- Powerful binoculars coupled with a digital video camera to look at the sea from land
We need a minimum of 12500$ to keep the research going after this next summer. This money will be dedicated to pay day-to-day research expenses to keep the project running. We have to cover the costs for a harbour spot for the sailboat, fuel, equipment repairs and a few travel expenses for the scientific team involved with the project.
We offer you the chance of being a part of our team, supporting us and being able to talk with us about our work with cetaceans.
For those who want more we also have amazing wallpapers, photo prints and calendars from the internationally awarded and worldwide recognized Portuguese wildlife photographer Nuno Sá.
For the more adventurous we offer the opportunity to be with us and to be involved in cetacean research!
Only with your support we will be able to continue this project. You can make the difference by making a decisive contribution to the conservation of the Azorean whales and dolphins.
Every contribution matters to keep this project alive.
Understanding where the cetaceans prefer to be and how the human activities affect them is a crucial issue to preserve these key elements of the ocean's ecology. In a world with a growing anthropogenic pressure it is very important to preserve our marine life, especially the most endangered species. You can help to preserve the oceans for the future generations!
Other Ways You Can Help
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IBAN: PT50 0035 0314 00002750 230 08
If you are unable to contribute with funds we appreciate any form of support. If you like what we do, help us by:
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