My name is Charles Peoples III (CPIII). I am a singer, songwriter, and performer, and I need your help! My very first album, CHASM Vol. I, is currently being created. Yay!!!
So far, three songs have been completed, and there are seven remaining. What I need help with is funding the production of the remaining seven songs. For each song, that includes:
- Mixing
- Mastering
- Recording
I've always been a singer, and I've always wanted to do my own music. Now I am finally directing all of my energy toward that and going for it!
Be sure to check out the campaign video, which has a surprise at the end!!!
What is it for?
- $1,925 for five hours of studio time per song (includes recording, mixing, and mastering)
- $350 for remaining music
What I Have Contributed So Far:
- ~$1,700
- Completed three songs
- Purchased music, studio time, and worked with 2 mixing engineers
- Recorded Demos
- Began creating storyboards for music videos (This campaign is specifically for the production of the album, not for funding the music videos)
What you get:
Not only will you get AMAZING music, you can also get these perks!!!
- For $15 - Three Single Bundle for Download
- For $20 - Full CD Digital Download
- For $50 - CD + Music Video Downloads
- For $100 - Early Access Pass to Music Videos, Singles, and behind the scenes clips.
- For $200 - A Song For You + Early access Pass
- For $500 - Your own live show (Near CA or NY, live via Skype otherwise) of the WHOLE album!!! + Early Access Pass
- For $1,000 - I'll Marry you! (Kidding... kind of.) + Early Access Pass
A little more backstory...
I have many passions: musical theater, dance, photography, helping other people, travel... the list goes on and on. These things are a part of my journey, and I believe they're all a part of my career, but at the center of it all, is singing. So I am committing myself to my music. Creating this album is the result of this commitment and newfound belief in myself.
As a person of color who also belongs to the beloved LGBTQI community, I have struggled with how I want to be seen in the world. I wasn't sure about what kind of music I wanted to be known for. The biggest revelation is that it doesn't matter as long as I am true to myself. No more hiding, no more second guessing, no more fear. I choose love, I choose joy, I choose passion. I choose life.
Thank YOU!!!!!
Thank you for helping me accomplish my dreams. If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know! Lastly, please share this with all of your friends and family! The more support I can get, the better!!!
So much love, so much gratitude. <3