In the seven years since its inception in 2013, The Hobart Festival of Women Writers has presented sixty published women writers in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, essay, and social media/blogging. Each year, twenty writers - some new to our festival and some who've come before – offer 2-hour writing craft workshops and present readings of their work. We've also offered Intensive Workshops, dramatic readings, and panel discussions that are open to the public.
Tucked into the beautiful Catskill Mountains, Hobart, New York is a peaceful, contemplative town that is home to six, independent book stores. Named as The Reading Capital of New York State, Hobart is the ideal locale for a festival to celebrate the work of women writers.
Now more than ever. Please donate whatever you can to help us continue The Hobart Festival of Women Writers. We think it's essential that The Hobart Festival of Women Writers continues to provide honoraria to our Participating Writers. Learn more about our writers at We think it's essential to provide a platform for women writers to promote and sell their work. We think it's important to continue to offer a low-cost registration fee. We believe it's important, even vital, that Hobart Festival of Women Writers continues to present public conversations, dramatic readings, and panels that address issues of interest to all lovers of language and public discourse.
Now more than ever.
You, our supporters, have been a vital part of our fundraising picture. Please continue to contribute what you can to keep us going strong. We need to be here.
Now more than ever.