Short Summary
My name is Cory Rowe and I’m the writer and director of the film “How To Train Your Boyfriend”. Just the title alone makes you laugh. I have always enjoyed making people smile, laugh, and be entertained and I feel this is a way that I can share it with the world.
“How To Train Your Boyfriend” came about just as a random thought. The title is what I came up with first and I thought to myself “How and why would a woman want to train her man?” And then I thought “Dumb question!” So I came up with the theme “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”.
This campaign is important because movies these days are remakes, sequels, and prequels. This gives an original idea to be put out into the universe for people to see. We as people strive for entertainment and to escape reality. What better way than to go see a movie about training your man?
Let’s be realistic though. Can a man really be changed? What is it that drives you nuts that he does or doesn’t do? What needs aren’t being fulfilled? There are many reasons why men don’t listen or seem like they don’t care. But those stats aren't what this film is about. Rather that the questions I ask are more rhetorical. This film shows how a group of women try to train their men and may succeed. Or they may fail. The only way to know for sure is to get the movie made and we need your help with that.
What We Need & What You Get
So the funding we need is to pay for our named talent, remainder of cast, crew, and post-production needs. We have acquired a well-known song for the dance off sequence in the film which brings out more of the comedy.
To make the best movie possible, sometimes it takes some money to make. But we have some pretty neat rewards for you supporters, no matter how little or big you contribute.
If we don’t reach our goal, we still will get the funds of those who have contributed and we will be making the film the best we can at that point. So in advance, thank you!
The Impact
The impact you have by contributing is huge. Every dollar earned is one dollar towards our goal. It means so much to us that you are contributing to our film and to help make it be the best film possible. I believe when people see this film at festivals. This film will be sent to festivals across the US. If all goes well with the short, then next step will be to make it into a feature length film.
Risks & Challenges
Every film has risks and challenges. I have a great team that support the idea, the film, and each other. We anticipate there are going to be some struggles, but with the funds we obtain, we can ensure that we will get done what we need to get done.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you’re not able to contribute, please don’t hesitate to share the link to the IndieGoGo page. Every share is equivalent to a contribution. Make some noise with this film. Spread the word. Share our IMDB page. If you are able to send us proof that you have shared the page and obtain 15 LIKES, then we will give you a Special Thank You at the End Credits.