A brief summary
My name is Sebastian Cruft. I am the inventor of the HUMO™. I'm retired now, but I worked for 35 years as a Director of a small family company. Although I was never trained as an engineer, I spent many years in a factory, specifying machinery and adapting off-the-shelf machines to work to our purposes. I also learned how important it is that products:
a. do something people really want, and
b. do it effectively and reliably.
For 30 years I have had progressive MS, and I'm now full-time in a wheelchair, with only one working hand. This is very frustrating, and prevents me from physically making anything. In the past, I often wondered whether I should give up the HUMO™ project - but I feel it is so close to success and has such great potential that I don't want to stop.
I have always felt that there is a gap in the market - a truly versatile and efficient form of human powered transport, which uses the strength in a human body more effectively to provide a simple, cheap, safe way to get around, with a bit of room for the things which are needed for ordinary life - shopping, a briefcase, a violin, a community nurse's bag for bandages, blood-testing etc...
We want to make the HUMO™ available as widely as possible by building a community of customers and partners to co-create and innovate, spreading HUMO™ ideas as far and wide as possible. We see endless potential uses around the world.
First, we need to build a new, lightweight, foldable prototype that will become our launchpad.
What We Need & What You Get
HUMO™ prototypes have been built in the past and have successfully proved the principles behind the revolutionary crank design. However, they were made from 40mm box-section steel, and the lighter of the two weighed 80kg - that's eight times heavier than a standard bicycle.
This new prototype, based on a 21kg folding aluminium frame, will be much more portable, easier to secure, and faster, traveling at upwards of 25mph.
Our first priority is to build the aluminium prototype, which we estimate will cost $10,000 - we will regularly report back on progress through social media.
Additional funds will go towards:
1. Developing the HUMO™ Community
To maximise co-operation we want to develop a more interactive environment with forums, live chats and document sharing, so that all of our learning and developments can be shared for the benefit of all.
2. Building an even lighter, faster plastic prototype
With more funds, we will jump straight to a plastic prototype, for which we will need mould designs. This would be a bonus but is far from a necessity.
3. Preparing CAD drawings of other products using the principles of the HUMO™ drive, such as 2-person, 4- and 5-person cars, light delivery vehicles, light-weight tractors and mowers, water-transporters, 2-driver ambulances etc. Your suggestions will be welcome, and, within our budget, we will design anything harmless which we feel is practical, sharing the designs on the community.
To thank you for your generosity I am offering some perks - ranging from my heartfelt thanks, to a unique one-off lifetime 50% discount on a commercially produced HUMO™. Our most generous funders will have the opportunity to come over to Devon in the UK, to see the prototype being tested and to be one of the very first people in the world to drive one.
Risks & Challenges
The previous prototypes that I have developed (at my own cost) have been too heavy, but they have proved that this revolutionary crank system actually works. The most significant task now is to keep the prototype as light as possible; we are looking forward to sending you films of a HUMO™ cruising under human power at the sort of speeds (25mph+) which will be sufficient for everyday life.
The first lightweight prototype will be built from aluminium. This is cheap to produce, environmentally sound and easy to fabricate. Excluding the cranks, the majority of the drive train and wheels will be provided by parts from off-the-shelf bicycles, keeping our costs as low as possible while maintaining accessibility.
It is hoped that this will produce a prototype that can form the blueprint for future development, the designs of which can be shared with partners and other innovators throughout the HUMO™ Community.