IA Ambassadors of Music European Tour
IA Ambassadors of Music European Tour
IA Ambassadors of Music European Tour
IA Ambassadors of Music European Tour
IA Ambassadors of Music European Tour
This campaign is closed
IA Ambassadors of Music European Tour
Hello Friends! As you all already know, Josey attends Greene County and is active in the vocal program at school, church and in the community. She has recently been selected to attend the Iowa Ambassadors of Music, a company that has been around since 1970 that takes young musicians and their music abroad. Next year they are taking students around Europe to perform music in various exciting venues in countries of England, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein (one of the world's smallest country), Austria, Italy and Germany. Not only will she be performing abroad but we will also have the opportunity to see famous attractions like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and Buckingham Palace, to name only a few. Josey will also have a "theatre night" where we have the opportunity to watch famous broadway musicals (which I have yet to experience).
Josey was nominated by my music director, Dave Heupel and she will be singing in the choir. She will have music prepared before we leave for Europe and will perform when she gets there. Also, to make sure you understand what an honor it is to be nominated for this trip, Josey received a letter of congratulations from the governor of Iowa. So that's pretty cool.
When it is all said and done, it will cost around $7000. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, I am in need of help from our wonderful community. If you have anything at all to give, even if it's just a single dollar, it would be greatly appreciated.
This trip is a one in a lifetime opportunity that Josey will cherish for the rest of my life. It has always been a dream of hers to travel to Europe. It will not only be a wonderful experience but it will help her MUSICALLY as well.
We are so thankful for all of your support either financially or in prayer. We love my family, friends and community and will never forget all the generosity! Thank you!