What is this?
*** NEW DRAWING: Each weekend, a new contributor will be drawn to name an Immortal U character. Invent a name you like or use your own. Winners are announced on our Facebook page.
Thank you for visiting the Immortal U IndieGoGo funding campaign and A HUGE THANKS TO OUR DONORS WHO GOT US THIS FAR!
Immortal U is a science fiction, full episodic WebTV program in development. The video you just saw is a teaser of the action and storyline. We are asking for assistance with Episode I pre-production costs. Just $1.00 from 10,000 supporters and we meet our goal.
The Story
Humanity has been sent many Messengers with priceless information to develop harmonious relationships with all living things. Over the last 2,000 years, more war, pestilence and fear has been the result. Unable to wait any longer, Earth must now evolve with or without humans.
Immortals, who long ago chose the path of physical immortality to bypass the monotony of the birth/death/birth cycle, have been convinced to come out of non interference to right the imbalance artificially placed on humankind by the Control Faction. The Control Faction has long developed schemes to poison, embezzle or enslave the world’s population in order to stunt evolvement and true freedom. After all, people who know their true worth can not be kept as slaves.
To right this gross inequity, immortals who pose as lab assistants in a clinical research facility identify and foster Latents, individuals with hidden immortal abilities. These immortals are assisting ordinary people to awaken to their true potential in order to give humanity the boost stolen from them so they can survive Earth changing calamities.
The Control Faction has no intention of losing any control over the 99%. Even though they have not engaged with immortals much since the days of the witch trials and the resulting drowning, burning and beheading, once again they have to find a way to eradicate them. If they don’t a worldwide population of immortals completely immune to their control will become a reality.
The Team
I am Rhonda Abrons, the producer and creator of Immortal U. After involvement with a Fox TV pilot, I spent several years as a producer for many excellent indie episodic shows, such as Starship Exeter- The TressaurianIntersection.
So far, Immortal U has attracted scores of talented people, such as those involved in the development of the above teaser: Jeff DeRiso - Production/Special effects http://badassvideos.blogspot.com/,Matthew Willis - Stunt Reel http://vimeo.com/18757188 with Benjamin Gaskell http://vimeo.com/benjamingaskell and Dustin Young - Original Music from the album Waylay http://www.last.fm/music/Waylay.
Check out our Updates to view Cast and crew. Production updates are also regularly posted on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ImmortalUWebTV.
How You Can Help
Our Goal
Our goal of $10,000.00 is crucial for high production value and adequate promotion. Success in these two areas will maximize product placement contracts and attract investors.
On the right, are donation options based on immortal, paranormal abilities. Above is an arrow that highlights the suggested donation amount. Click the arrow to choose your contribution.
You will be presented with two payment options.
1) Complete your donation through PayPal to help today:
� Teaser and Logo � $412.00
� LLC � $408.95 (Legal Zoom)
� Facebook, Twitter and YouTube paid advertising � $3,000.00 (split evenly)
� Screenwriters � $2,000.00 (Two scripts. Professional, tight scripts are the foundation of a successful show)
� Location/permit fees (Unknown at this time)
2) Complete your donation conventionally to help when the campaign ends:
� Special effects pre/post production company - $25/hour (total hours unknown)
� Production insurance with errors and omissions - $2,750.00
� A known guest actor day shoot - $2,000 + (Reinforces the show�s validity. We are talking to a really cool actor!)
� Catering to feed cast and crew (taking bids)
What if we don�t reach our goal?
Well, we can cut costs, nix the known actor, push back the shooting schedule or sell more product placement and sponsorships. Either way, Immortal U, episode I, is completed.
Other Ways to Help
Promotion, promotion and more promotion, is a free way to give us a whole lot of love. Numbers are everything in this business. Getting our numbers up on our Facebook page �Likes� and Twitter �Follows,� are huge investor attracters. Our goal is 10,000 Facebook �Likes� or more by the end of this IndieGoGo promotion. Please, pass this campaign, Facebook page and YouTube links through your emails and social media. Think of that scene in Lord of the Rings, where the news was rapidly spread by the fires.
Why Donate?
You Love Sci-fi
To survive continual geological changes, due to a distressed Earth, people erase erroneous notions of duality and time and tap into buried human potentials. There are global powers out to eliminate this growing population.
Inspired by real world issues and concerns, Immortal U enhances awareness that we are not here to control nature or each other. Through self trust, faith and love, we can effect great change for the better rather deteriorating into fearfulness, defensiveness and war.
Plus, this is really neat sci-fi!
You Support Independence
Readily available information for independent thought is vital for growth. Internet televised programs provide better way to have quality entertainment supported by the people and therefore independent of network cancellation.
Fear is the killer of all creativity and independence. In every episode Immortal U takes on the issue of fear and its many disguises that stunt us all from achieving the good for ourselves, each other and the universe. The elimination of fear is the birth of peace.
Where did all the good science fiction shows go? Who are the people that decide what programs stay on the air and what gets cancelled? Web TV is television viewing of the future. The internet enables vast independence in original programming and audiences are choosing to watch these shows on various enabled devices.
You Get Nice Gifts
You get our immortal gratitude, a really rocking sci-fi first episode and the extra cool stuff listed on the right side bar. These perks also make great holiday gifts.
Choose to donate using PayPal�s secure payment system and receive a BONUS show poster hand dated and signed.
Thank you, for your support, time and consideration for Immortal U, the series. We are having a rock and roll good time doing this and would love to have you along for the ride!