Rookin is a band of five friends who make historical folk-rock music and not much money. Some call it Americana; some call it dad-rock; and some call us from blocked numbers in Indiana demanding we pay off our debts or lose our knees. We began this journey awhile ago with a class project, a song cycle about the American civil war. At that point, we knew we would become very famous people. So we made some EPs, and released our debut LP, Unionism, on indie label Medical Records last year. And we thought, surely, by this point, we would be rich. We were mistaken.
It has come to our attention that Rookin is not a money-making proposition. In fact, quite the opposite. In July alone, we made $0.58 apiece. In the eyes of the IRS, Rookin is a puzzle. If we are audited, it will be because some money-minded man at the IRS simply wants to know why we have not filled the grievous money sink hole at the center of our wallets with cement and gone on to lives of purely compensated labor. And yet, Mr. Moneyman, here we are -- we are still compelled to make Rookin music, so much so that, less than a year after releasing Unionism, we had a whole other album's worth of material ready to go. So we went to New Hampshire, to an A-Frame house on a lake, a studio called Xanadeux. There, with ride-or-die producers Alex Allinson & Joe Dusenbury, synth guru Tony Norton, and bassist Z Hayes, we recorded the beginning of a record. We've been calling it Infinite Georgia.
We've been recording it in Boston since then; and in Brooklyn with producer Jeff Fettig. It sounds very different than Unionism. It took us three years to make that record, and in that time we became a proper band that plays together and isn't afraid to make things sound weird and wild. Some of the songs are brand new; some have been around for a long time and are only now ready to record; some of them we wrote live in the studio. We're very excited to share this music with everyone.
We need to raise about $5,000 to cover the initial studio fees, money for our production team, and some of the money it will cost to get the record mastered. We will try to make this record even if we don't reach our goal, but we could use the help, and want to make this a process to be celebrated and shared. We came up with a bunch of things we'd like to give away to our friends and loved ones, and have priced them out here. We would be glad to have you join us on this never-ending journey to bring the long-held dream of Rookin closer to its fullest fruition.