An Indie Comic Event, 7 Years in the Making!
7 years to fine-tune the story, to develop characters with real depth and refine the art! And now we are SO DAMN PROUD to FINALLY bring this project to life as an 80+ page, fully-colored, perfect-bound graphic novel!!
Bring back the classic hero story!
In our story ISSUES, we set out to bring back classic superheroes, and the sense of immersion that comics used to provide! We wanted to create an epic story where heroes could be heroic again, where men could be masculine and women were allowed to be sexy! We wanted dialogue where characters talked like real people, cracked jokes and had real emotions. We want you to feel for our characters, to cheer for them on through their hardships and root for them in battle! Most of all, we want you to have FUN!
ISSUES is a satirical look at classic superhero archetypes, in a modern setting. It explores the intricacies and eccentrics of their lives, and re-examines the question, 'what does it truly mean to be a hero?', all while navigating a deeper, original story of family, redemption and loss.
This first installment follows a young Special Agent, and a group of veteran set-in-their-ways superheroes, as they learn to come together as a team, and take the first steps on a journey to regain their former glory.
Examples of the updated Interior Art!
Skip some pages to appease the spoiler gods...
And we have the first appearance of our speedster Haste!
And Much More To Come!
Anne Gallo: A young Special Agent thrust into the world of veteran Superheroes, trying to keep her sanity as Team Liaison, while hoping to learn the truth behind her own father's murder.![]()
The Patriot: The most powerful being ever known. Previously retired after being accused of his team's death. Now, years later, Patriot hopes to regain the trust and admiration of the country he loves.
Haste: Fastest hero to ever exist! People may think his best years are behind him, but there's still plenty of heroics left in this former world-renowned speedster!![]()
The Standard: A newer arrival to the vigilante scene, little is known about this Hardware Hero. While he is VERY handy in combat, he's WAY too full of himself. Even the emblem he wears is a 'raised bar'. Is he just an asshole, or does his cocky façade hide something darker?
Lux: Technically government property and forced to be a superhero, this former Dimensionaut has a symbiotic entity that grants him the ability to create and manipulate insane amounts of white hot energy!
Havana, Hunter & Bafo: These newbie 'modern-day' superheroes go by the team name Reverb! Hunter and Havana are extra-dimensional twins who share wildly amplified versions of their powers when in close proximity to each other, making them some of the worlds strongest heroes. Also there is a monkey. He is super intelligent, and very pompous about it.
"Before Picture"
We wanted to go with something a little lighthearted with this first one. Still a group cover, but showing what everyone was like before shit hit the fan. Like the first day at work.
"Untitled Variant"
For this one we contracted an amazingly talented artist, Valery Ike Bayu Aji, to work up a clean and simple cover that reflects the naivete of our main character in contrast to the seasoned heroes she works with.
"Stunning & Brave"
This special wrap-around cover is another work from the skilled hands of Valery Ike Bayu Aji. I could give you a bunch of bullshit about 'empowerment' and whatnot, but honestly, who doesn't love beautiful women? No 'approved body types', just good old fashioned fan service!
The Physical Perks
- Every perk comes with at least one SIGNED copy of the book, with the cover of your choice!
- All 3 covers are available as high-quality SIGNED 11"x17" prints!
- All character sketches are of a character of your choice OR you can get a sketch of yourself or a loved one, drawn in the style of our comic!
- Every physical perk can ALSO be selected as an add-on, so you don't have to worry about missing out on anything!
The Cameo Perks
This is where we REALLY shine!
- We want maximum customer involvement, so we made all the cameo perks super affordable, and the lowest tier doesn't even have a limit!
- If you choose to 'fight a hero' you don't have to worry about only showing up in one panel, we'll flat out make you a villain and put you in a whole fight scene!
- The 'featured character' we have written, is a speaking role with multiple appearances, AND is even featured in the second book!
- If you choose to 'be the mayor' you'll have a speaking role, with multiple appearances in at least the first two books as well!
- If you have great ideas for some dialogue, or even a good joke or two, choose the Video Chat perk! We'll set up a live chat with you and go over your ideas to write up a great cameo appearance that we can all be proud of! Or at least make fun of!
- The 'child's fan art' is near and dear to my heart! I have a great plan for it, but I can't say too much without giving anything away! Just know that your kid's fan art will be added in and 'received' by our heroes, who will love it, thank your kid BY NAME, and hang it up on their fridge! From there, I can't say much more, but it will be shown and referenced in ALL 3 BOOKS! We'll even write a special 'Thank You' to your child on the inside cover of your book! If this perk doesn't provide a memorable experience, I don't know what will!
- All cameo perk backers will get their name added in a 'Special Appearances' section in the back of every book!
We here at War Dance comics are SERIOUS about providing, not only a great story, but a truly memorable comic experience as well!
$1,000- Spot UV Covers!
$2,000- Fan Art Contest! ![]()
All backers are able to participate in the fan art contest! Our top picks will have their art featured as chapter breaks IN THE COMIC!
$3,000- Trading Cards Added to Every Perk!
$4,500- Exclusive Print Added to Every Perk!
The fans have spoken, and we listened! We're doing a great 11x17 piece EXCLUSIVELY for our IndieGoGo backers! This art will be painted up by our very own Snoots, signed by us at War Dance Comics, and will NEVER be offered again!
$5,500- YOU tell US!
We don't want to waste everyone's time and money with things our fans don't want, we want to know what you DO want! Every stretch goal, $5,500 and up, is up to the fans! You guys tell us what you want to see, and we'll try to make it happen for you!
We Work For You!
EVERYTHING that comes from this campaign is going towards fulfilling your perks, and feeding us while we finish this book and create the 2nd! I personally have set aside my life savings to try and make this dream of ours a reality, and everything we get from our backers is going directly back in to further that dream! So when I say 'we work for you', that's A PROMISE!
Our brand was formed back in 2013 after a series of passionate debates between best friends who happen to be giant dorks. Our 'what if' and 'logical progression' thought process soon snowballed into a whole comic universe, and we have been working on building it ever since.
Fast forward to present day; we recently decided to finally take the leap and focus, full time, on getting this label off the ground. The two of us have been working every day to create our first real product, our flagship comic, ISSUES.
Also social media is fucking cancer, so we employed two very close friends of ours to brave those particular waters for us, so that we can focus on creating great content.
CG and WC friendly.
Loyal to the art.
Loyal to the fans.
We'll fly our own flag.
Back ISSUES Today!
Trailer Credits:
Editing by Brett Weidmann
Voice-over by Kenneth Edward
Music by Benjamin Tissot