My story
Hello, and thanks for taking the time to consider helping me achieve a personal goal of attending the Vidal Sassoon Academy in London.
My name is Jason Cherry, and I live and work in Toowoomba, Queensland. Growing up I was always drawn to the hair and fashion industries, and have spent the last 20 years working hard in a job I love.
As a sole trader, salon owner and operator, I get to bring a lot of joy and satisfaction to my clients, and in doing so get to express my creativity and passion for this industry.
As any small business owner knows, finding the time and opportunity for personal development is a hard thing to achieve. And this is the reason for my campaign!
I am fortunate enough to be going to London in June/July 2014, to celebrate a friends wedding.
After doing some investigation, and with some support (nagging) from my partner, I have an opportunity to stay on in London for an extra week and attend a professional training course at the famous UK Vidal Sassoon Academy. However, the costs of this course and additional week of accommodation are prohibitive for my small business. I have looked at options for small business grants and other funding avenues, but have not been able to locate one I am eligible for at present.
Vidal Sassoon is a world- renowned, innovative and successful Hair Academy located in the US, Canada and Germany. They are truly iconic, and I honestly never thought I would get the chance to visit and receive training at this Academy.
But here we are, and with your support I could both realise this dream as well as learn some exciting new skills to bring back to my salon and the clients I love.
What I Need & What You Get
So what will it take to get me to Sassoon??
As a bare minimum I will need to raise $3950 to cover registration costs for the intensive week course at Vidal Sassoon, the campaign fees as well as extending my stay in London for an extra five days.
This doesn't include any living expenses, or costs of leaving my salon closed for the week - but if I can raise this much I will put in all the extra work required to make it happen my end!!
What will you get if you support me on this journey??
Aside from the satisfaction of knowing you have helped me achieve something spectacular, you will also get to choose from an exciting range of fabulous rewards!! You are of course welcome to contribute without claiming a perk, but have a look at what is on offer as they could be too hard to resist!!
Thanks for considering my campaign. If you are able to help get the word out by sharing the link to this page that would also be greatly appreciated!
Jason xx