World-famous animator John Hubley is best remembered for revolutionizing the global animation industry with his striking contributions to the films and aesthetics of the United Productions of America (UPA), as well as a respected and admired independent animator in his own right. Perhaps if you don't know Hubley, you're familiar with Mr. Magoo, the lovable ol' curmudgeon he co-created at UPA.
But before changing the face of animation, Hubley was a confident and kind boy from the beautiful town of Marinette, WI. Even after moving to Los Angeles to make his mark in the industry, he would return to the Marinette area to visit his mother, never losing his connection to the area.
2021 is the 80th anniversary of UPA's establishment, and yet so many Marinette residents aren't aware of their famous son! What better time than to have a Wisconsin State Historical Society marker installed on the front lawn of the Stephenson Public Library in the town's famous center to help a whole new generation of audiences discover the work of such an accomplished artist?
This project is being organized by the Animation Education Association in conjunction with the Wisconsin State Historical Society and Marinette County Public Libraries.
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