JOIN US - Building a greenhouse for our village
JOIN US - Building a greenhouse for our village
JOIN US - Building a greenhouse for our village
JOIN US - Building a greenhouse for our village
JOIN US - Building a greenhouse for our village
This campaign is closed
JOIN US - Building a greenhouse for our village
"Sowing to grow" is born as an initiative of our students due the lack of diversity of food consumed daily in the school as part of their routine.
In our institution we eat mainly rice, sugar, oats, lentils, peas, chicken and canned fish. Due to the lack of variety of food every day we eat the same dishes every day, without the necessary vegetables and fruits intake needed for a balanced physical and intellectual development of our kids that are in the growing stage of their lives.
In addition, the village that we live in doesn't have any markets but just 2 little stores that sell grocery that is not fresh, making it hard the access to the food previously mentioned.
Regardind that, our students proposed many alternatives to get a solution and decided that the best option was the building of a greenhouse inside the school's area.
Our main objective is the diversification of healthy food in our daily diet. To achieve that, we're here asking for economy support for the materials to build the greenhouse.
Every help is truly appreciated and so we hope to be able to count on you!
"Sembrando para crecer" nace por iniciativa de nuestros estudiantes frente a la falta de diversidad de alimentos que se consumen diariamente en la escuela como parte de la jornada .
En nuestra institución se consumen esencialmente lentejas, alverjas, arroz, azúcar, avena y pollo y pescado enlatados. Debido a la poca variedad de alimentos, todos los días comemos lo mismo, sin incluir en la dieta diaria verduras ni frutas que son necesarios para el balanceado desarrollo tanto físico como intelectual de nuestros niños que se encuentran en etapa de crecimiento.
Además, en el centro poblado en el que vivimos no hay mercados, sólo 2 tiendas que venden abarrotes mas no cosas frescas, lo cual dificulta la accesibilidad a los alimentos ya mencionados.
Frente a esto, nuestros estudiantes propusieron diversas alternativas de solución, escogiendo como viable y ganadora la implementación de un Invernadero dentro del terreno de la escuela.
Nuestro principal objetivo es la diversificación de alimentos balanceados en nuestra dieta diaria lo cual nos lleva a pedir apoyo económico para que esto suceda por la falta de materiales para implementar el invernadero.
Toda ayuda es bien recibida así que ¡Esperamos contar con ustedes!