English at the bottom of the page*
Ideja Centra za integraciju izbjeglica "SOL"
U RH 554 osobe dobile su status izbjeglice. Zahvalni na zaštiti koju su dobili u našoj zemlji, oni žele naučiti hrvatski jezik, vlastitim rukama zarađivati i brinuti za svoje obitelji te se s novim prijateljima nasmijati od srca. Za to im je potrebna naša i vaša podrška. U ovom Centru izbjeglice će dobiti organiziranu potporu usmjerenu na učenje hrvatskog jezika kao prvog koraka integracije te posredništvo u prekvalifikaciji i zapošljavanju. Također, naš tim provoditi će niz radionica posvećenih djeci i ženama kao i interkulturalnih susreta između građana i izbjeglica kako bismo stvorili odnos povjerenja te buduće prijateljske i poslovne suradnje!
U naš Centar “Sol” dovesti ćemo građanima Zagreba Siriju, Iran, Irak i druge daleke zemlje te njihovu kulturu, tradiciju i prekrasne ljude koji će s nama podijeliti svoja iskustva, priče i znanja. Potpora lokalne zajednice i prihvaćanje izbjeglica presudna je za njihovoj integraciju jer se čovjek može ostvariti kao čovjek samo ukoliko sebe pronađe kod drugoga. Potrebno je samo otvoreno srce, kako bi vam se otvorila vrata našeg Centra.
Kao kod kuće !
Interkulturalni susreti i druženja
Centar “SOL” živjet će za ljude i susrete. On će pobuditi znatiželju, educirati o različitim kulturama te pozivati lokalno stanovništvo da uz šalicu arapske kave poslušaju priče o Siriji, uz okuse iranske kuhinje odlutaju u povijest stare Perzije te uz afričke bongove razmijene plesne korake.
Prilika za djetinjstvo i školu!
Kako bi djeci koja su dobila status izbjeglice dobila podršku u integraciji, u našem Centru provodit ćemo tjedno radionice za djecu ciljano podijeljene prema uzrastu, stupnju znanja hrvatskog jezika te vremenu boravka u Hrvatskoj. Edukativnim i kreativnim pristupom približit ćemo djeci hrvatski jezik, kulturu i običaje, odvesti ćemo ih na izlete i predstave, a sustavnom podrškom i praćenjem osnažiti ćemo ih u svim školskih i društvenim izazovima.
Žene za žene
U našem Centru Sol” nastavit ćemo se provođenjem posebno osmišljene radionice “Žene za žene” koje smo dosada nudili samo tražiteljicama azila u Prihvatilištu “Porin”. Cilj radionice je posvetiti se ženama izbjeglicama, poticati ih da izraze svoje kvalitete, pripremit ih za samostalan život u novoj sredini te ponovno ih osvijestiti o vlastitoj vrijednosti i važnosti. Također, u ovim radionicama žene će imati priliku steći neke nove vještine i znanja kao i podijeliti svoja iskustva sa ženama lokalne zajednice.
Glazba ne poznaje granice!
Kažu da je uz glazbu i pjesmu sve lakše. Tako će biti u našem Centru kada se naši kulturalni prevoditelji, izbjeglice i domaća ekipa prime afričkih džembi. Želimo koristiti glazbu kao medij upoznavanja, razumijevanja i prihvaćanja kultura i ljudi. Kada nabavimo instrumente krenuti ćemo s provođenjem glazbene radionica za koju su već mnogo pokazali veliki interes.
Nadamo se da ćete pružiti podršku našem Centru jer samo zajedno možemo izraditi bolju budućnost za ljude koji su u našoj zemlji pronašli kutak sigurnosti i mira. Vjerujemo da se slažemo se u tome. Ili kako bi naše kolege arapskog govornog područja rekli: „Sol je između nas“.
The idea of the Center for the Integration of Refugees “SOL”
In the Republic of Croatia, 554 people were granted refugee status. Grateful for the protection they have received in our country, they now want to learn Croatian language, provide for themselves and care for their families, as well as enjoy and share wonderful moments with their new friends. They need our support and that is why the Jesuit Refugee Service, which has been supporting the refugees for 25 years now, finally achieved what was long wished for: to launch the “Sol” - The Center for Integration of Refugees!
The idea of the Center for the Integration of Refugees “SOL” is to empower refugees, support their integration and familiarize and connect them with the local community. In the Center refugees will receive organized support focused on learning Croatian, as the first step of integration, and mediation in retraining and employment. Also, our team will organize and conduct a series of workshops dedicated to children and women, as well as intercultural meetings between locals and refugees in order to create a relationship of trust and future friendly and business cooperation!
Feels like home!
Intercultural meetings and gatherings
In our Center "Sol", we will bring Syria, Iran, Iraq and other distant countries and cultures, tradition and beautiful people who will share their experiences, tales and knowledge to the people of Zagreb. Local community support and acceptance of refugees is crucial to their integration, because a man can only realize his human nature if he finds himself in another man. For the doors of our Center to open, what is needed is an open heart. Contact us, come by and there we are! May our Center expand your heart!
Living their childhood and getting support in learning!
In order to support the integration of children who have been granted refugee status, we will conduct weekly workshops for children according to their age, level of Croatian language skills and time of stay in the Republic of Croatia. An educational and creative approach will bring Croatian language, culture and customs closer to the children, we will take them to excursions and performances, and a systematic support and follow-up will empower them to deal with all school and social challenges.
Women for women
In our Center "Sol” we will continue running a specially designed "Women for Women" workshop, which we have so far offered only to asylum seekers at the “Porin” Reception center. The aim of the workshop is to dedicate our time to female refugees, encourage them to express their qualities, prepare them for independent living in a new environment and re-awaken their awareness of their own values and importance. Also, in these workshops, women will have an opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge as well as to share their experiences with women from the local community.
Music knows no boundaries.
They say that music and song makes everything easier. That will be the case in our Center when our cultural translators, refugees and local team get a hold of African djembe. We want to use music as a medium of familiarity, understanding and acceptance as an expression of welcome and solidarity. When we purchase the instruments we will embark on a musical journey through a workshop many have shown great interest in.
We hope you will support our Center because only together we can create a better future for the people who have found a safe and peaceful corner in our country. We believe we can agree to that. Or how would our colleagues in the Arabic speaking area say, "The salt is between us".