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Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

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Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Kara Tippetts Documentary

Jay Lyons
Jay Lyons
Jay Lyons
Jay Lyons
1 Campaign |
Burbank, United States
$15,515 USD by 76 backers
$15,340 USD by 73 backers on Mar 28, 2015

UPDATE 9/8/15


Production is going great and we are VERY excited about this beautiful tribute to Kara and her inspirational journey! 

We will be posting a snippet (or two) soon- of this amazing documentary as we are putting the finishing touches on it. 

We do have some financial needs at this time from some unexpected expenses, and this site has be re-opened to accept contributions. Please consider donating as we are over-budget approximately by $10,000 and growing.  

If you want to contact the documentary team, you can do so at

Again, thank you sincerely...we are humbled and honored to be part of such a beautiful yet painful story.

Jay Lyons & The Kara Tippetts Documentary Team

UPDATE 3/22/15 (from Kara's website)
Kara Tippetts went home to Jesus on 3/22/15 after a long battle with breast cancer.  In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to a fund benefiting Kara's four children:
Jason Tippetts
P.O. Box 49727
Colorado Springs, CO 80949


For the full story on her passing and further updates, please visit:

Kara Tippetts Blog

Thanks so much for watching the above trailer.

We are raising money to help finish this important project. Filming is nearly complete, and now we are entering into the post-production phase, which at this time we simply don't have the money for. 
Please consider giving to help us tell Kara's powerful story! Any amount helps!

1. Kara's story will help ease the suffering of those dealing with cancer/death.
2. Kara's story inspires all of us to live every day grateful for our time on earth.
3. Kara's story challenges us to think eternally.
4. Kara's story will be a valuable resource on suffering and death for non-profits, churches, cancer centers, etc.
    Pictured from left- Jay Lyons-Producer, Jason and Kara, Sofia J. Lyons-Producer

"In my ten years as a TV producer for many networks, I have been a part of many awesome and inspiring shows. But NONE AS IMPORTANT AND UNIQUE AS THIS-The Kara Tippetts story must be heard!!  Kara's book and blog has impacted thousands of people across the world-our hope in creating this documentary is to broaden her reach to millions.  Her story, her life, her pain and her example has already changed many lives and this will only further that reach!" - Jay Lyons

My name is Jay Lyons and I'm a TV/documentary film producer that's worked on shows for TLC, NBC, MTV, CBS, and Discovery Channel. My credits range from Development, Casting, Writing, Field Producing, Shooting, to Co-Executive Producer. I've also done many projects for Churches and Non-Profits.
Through a random set of circumstances that can only be explained as a divine appointment, I met Kara Tippetts and became convinced that her powerful story needed to be told in documentary form.
Although it was a personal risk to undertake a project of this magnitude without funding, I know that telling Kara's story is the right thing to do. And with Kara and Jason's blessing and the help of my awesome wife, who serves as Co-Executive Producer, we've dived in.

Working with Kara and Jason has been delightful, they truly are the wonderful people you've perhaps read about in her best-selling book, The Hardest Peace. Although Kara is in stage 4 Breast Cancer, she still laughs and has fun-when the pain isn't too great.  This documentary is unique, in that it allows Kara to tell her own story in real-time, as it is unfolding in front of our eyes. My promise to you is to tell Kara's story honestly and faithfully. I'll do my very best as a Filmmaker to portray her struggle with respect  and grace as she and her family walk through this difficult time. It is not a responsibility I take lightly and I am humbled that I have been woven into their story.  If you don't already know her, let me say that Kara is an extra-ordinarily brave woman, and through her vulnerability and grace on this project she will be an example to many for years and years to come. 

We can't do this without your help.

Some expenses we currently need to cover are...
Field Producer
Travel/Lodging/Meals for crew
Lead Editor
Story Associate Producer
Graphic Designer
Gear Rental (Camera, Lights, Audio)
Production Insurance
Music Scoring
Sound Design & Mixing
& much more...
    One last word...maybe you are not in a position to contribute financially, or you feel like your financial gift is too small to matter- first of all- WRONG! Every little bit helps. And if you can't give, remember it's very important-VERY IMPORTANT, to help get the word out through social media. Sharing this trailer at church with a pastor, with a teacher, or friend or co-worker could lead to the funding we need. Please share! Thank You so much for your time...

    To follow Kara's blog click here:
    Mundane Faithfulness
    Here is Kara's latest book that is racing up the charts on Amazon:
    The Hardest Peace

    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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    Choose your Perk

    Kind Supporter

    $10 USD
    You will receive a beautiful online button via email to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest to show your support of Kara's Documentary.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    4 claimed


    $25 USD
    Thank you for supporting this project! Your contribution gets your name listed on the Kara Tippetts Documentary website as a supporter! + Online Support Button Website coming soon!
    Estimated Shipping
    April 2015
    8 claimed

    Digital Download

    $50 USD
    Your very own HD, digital download of the Kara Tippetts Documentary. Release date not yet set. Thank you so very much for your contribution-we couldn't do this without you! + Online Support Button +Honored On Website
    14 out of 25 of claimed

    The Hardest Peace

    $75 USD
    Get your very own copy of Kara's best selling book "The Hardest Peace" mailed to your doorstep. +Digital download of completed documentary +Website mention +online support button
    Estimated Shipping
    April 2015
    6 out of 25 of claimed

    Cancer Survivors

    $100 USD
    Perhaps you're a cancer survivor and would like to stand with Kara in her fight in a special way. Your name will be listed in a special "Cancer Survivor Section" of the end credits in the Kara Tippetts Documentary. Please email your name as you'd like it listed to: + Online Support Button +Honored On Website +Digital Download of the Documentary
    2 out of 20 of claimed

    In Loving Memory

    $250 USD
    Kara has touched so many with her powerful story, especially those who have experienced loss. If you'd like, you can honor your loved one's memory with an on-screen listing in a special section of the end-credits. Please email the name as you'd like it listed to + Online Support Button +Honored On Website +Digital Download of the Documentary
    4 out of 10 of claimed

    Associate Producer

    $2,500 USD
    You will be listed as an "Associate Producer" in the end credits. From the Kara Tippetts Project team, please receive our sincerest gratitude! + Online Support Button +Honored On Website +Digital Download of the Documentary +10 Copies of Kara's book
    1 out of 2 of claimed

    Co-Executive Producer

    $5,000 USD
    Your name will be listed as a Co-Executive Producer in the end credits. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! + Online Support Button +Honored On Website +Digital Download of the Documentary +15 Copies of Kara's book
    0 out of 1 of claimed
    sold out

    Funding Producer

    $1,000 USD
    3 out of 3 of claimed
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