Kenney Land will be located in the Netherlands (Limburg, Kerkrade), a place where game developers are free to learn, work, teach, create and play.
Over the last couple of months we've provided the community with over 6,500 assets (Download) which are completely free and ready to use in all kinds of projects.
Now, we'd like to open a game development community in our hometown, Kerkrade. This place will be a location where (aspiring) game developers can learn, teach, create and play. A massive amount of events will be like there, like Game Jams, workshops, trainings, meetings, livestreams and more!
You can get involved right away by joining the community, signing-up is free and there's no need to pledge:
Kenney Land Community
Feel free to invite other game developers, artists, writers and musicians to the community.
We will teach the following disciplines:
Construct 2, Unity, Unreal Engine, Adobe AIR/Flash and Game Maker Studio along these programming languages: JavaScript, ActionScript, C#, Python, C / C++, Game Maker Lanugage (GML) and more, based on demand!
And the following events will be organized:
Bi-weekly developer meetings
Game jams (Ludum Dare)
Workshops (beginner, advanced, expert)
Trainings (beginner, advanced, expert)
Game nights
To start this community a venue is needed, which we already rented (see pictures). The space needs to be remodeled though to provide the full potential and give beginner game developers a chance to get started in their career.
Here's where you can help! Any donation, even small ones, help us get to that goal and get the venue up and running.
So, what exactly will be organised at Kenney Land?
First of all, game developers can visit to work, learn teach, create and play. Our goal is to provide a place for programmers, designers, sound artists and writers where they can develop their skills. There aren't any game development studies nearby, the only way people who'd like to pursue a career in game development can make it happen is by self study.
To give beginners a helping hand or to teach advanced developers new disciplines all kinds of workshops and training sessions will be held. There will also be guest presentations by established names in the game development industry.
Regularly there will be (open) meetings in which companies, freelancers and amateurs come together to chat about the game industry, socialize and give presentations.
In addition to the above events we also provide resources for game developers. OUYA, Oculus Rift and more development kits will be ready for use. There will be a large number of books on game development available (all programming languages) and a wide range of graphics and sound assets (12,000+) that may be freely used by developers.
What if I'm not located in the Kenney Land area, why would I fund?
We understand that most of the funders will not be close (enough) to Kenney Land to attend regulary, or even attend at all. That's why we've chosen to give away a pack with over 4,000 NEW assets, watch the video above for a complete overview of what's included!
Crowdfunding Pack
(pledge $20 or more to receive)
If you decide to pledge $20 you'll receive the crowdfunding pack (within 24-hours after pledge). It'll be licensed to you, and you're the only one that may use it! 3 months after the crowdfunding campaign (if it succeeds) the assets will be re-licensed and released in the public domain (CC0). Here's what's included:
Foley sounds (85 sounds)
Music loops (30 files)
Retro sounds (35 sounds)
Also, we're planning to do weekly Kenney LIVE events where everyone around the world can tune in and request assets and other game art to be made. Next to that we will also livestream our workshops and give special workshops for those not able to attend.
We've got various different perks to thank you for your pledge;
What happens when the funding goal is met?
Three (3) months after the campaign has ended all the assets in the crowdfunding pack will have their licenses changed to CC0 (Public domain) and will be free for everyone.
We will be able to access the venue starting October 1st, after that we will start remodeling the place into Kenney Land and we hope to welcome our first developers around December to January (2015).
Risks & challenges
When the funding goal is not met we'll be looking at other funding options, like an investment or loan. In the worst case the venue will still be realized but on a smaller scale or with less equipment available.
All the perks are done and ready to be distributed, there's no risk in not receiving the perks when the project is not funded well enough.
I don't have money but like to help, tell me how!
Hey no worries! You can help out by telling others about this campaign by sharing on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. It would also be great if you could send a message about this campaign to the press.
Thanks for reading and possibly your pledge!