Welcome to Kewl Beanz Coffee. This business has been a dream of mine for ages and it's time to bring that dream to reality. But we need your help. We offer an alternative to Starbucks, the only coffee shop in town, with 100% organic fair trade coffee, tea, and snacks- some vegan, gluten-free, and kosher. Our goal is to give a healthier alternative to our favorite drink at comparable prices.
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Kewl Beanz is not only a coffee shop. It's a platform for artists, musicians, advocates, and anyone else with a voice that needs a place to be heard. I, personally, will be spreading news and information advocating the legalization of hemp and medical marijuana and spreading the word on the breakthroughs in CBD oil. This is a subject that hits close to home for me and I want the world to understand. I have a brother whom I love dearly and he suffers from Parkinsons Disease. CBD oil can help him but in order to use an oil created from marijuana, it first needs to be legalized. I, myself, suffer from Fibromyalgia and could also benefit from the legalization of medical marijuana so I want to inform people of the good that it can do not only for me and my brother, but for millions of other men, women, and children in this world. Please help our voices be heard.
We will also be introducing Suspended Coffee to our town. Suspended coffee is an annonymous act of charity. When you buy a coffee, you pay for a second one. The barista gives you your coffee, then logs the second coffee as "suspended" (meaning that the transaction has been paused, or not yet completed- the money has been received, but the coffee has not yet been delivered). When someone who can't afford a coffee comes in, they can ask whether there are any "suspended" coffees. The barista checks the log and, if there are any pre-paid coffees, the person is given a free coffee. The transaction is then considered complete. We will be doing this with the tea also and would like to eventually extend it to suspended snacks and meals as well so nobody goes hungry or thirsty in the Kewl Beanz community. This act of kindness is to help people in need so we hope people will pay it forward.
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." -Mother Teresa
For me, Kewl Beanz is not just about a job. It's about a dream. A dream to create and sell a daily staple of my life. A dream to have a business full of love, hope, health, and life that my children and my children's children can contribute to and carry on. A dream to have a platform for myself and others to be heard without fear. A dream of fostering my community with a safe, happy place to gather.
I have 3 weeks to raise these funds. A portion of your contribution will be used to make a donation to TEXAS NORML for Kewl Beanz Coffee to join their ranks, and the rest will help to order supplies, stock, and an esspresso machine. We've got our location, now we need our goods- 100% organic fair trade products for a safer, healthier you.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney
We thank you for your support and generosity and we want to give back to the people who gave to us! We will be giving perks for different donation amounts and they are as follows:
- $10 - A letter of appreciation and a voucher for a free coffee or tea.
- $25 - A letter of appreciation, a voucher for a free cup of coffee or tea, and a Kewl Beanz pen.
$50 - A letter of appreciation, a voucher for a free cup of coffee or tea, a Kewl Beanz pen, and a small hemp drawstring bag.
- $100 - A letter of appreciation, a voucher for a free cup of coffee or tea, a Kewl Beanz pen, a small hemp drawstring bag, and a Kewl Beanz coffee mug.
- $250 - A letter of appreciation, a voucher for a free cup of coffee or tea, a Kewl Beanz pen, a small hemp drawstring bag, a Kewl Beanz coffee mug, and a hemp crocheted beanie.
$500 - A letter of appreciation, a voucher for a free cup of coffee or tea, a Kewl Beanz coffee mug, a hemp crocheted beanie, and a hemp and organic cotton Kewl Beanz T-shirt.
"Happiness exists on Earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity." -Jose Marti
We understand that not everyone has money to spare. But that doesn't mean that you can't help. Spreading the word is one of the easiest ways to contribute. Please use the share tools near the top of the page and like our facebook page. Telling others about Kewl Beanz Coffee and our mission will help us to enact change faster so please talk to friends, family, even strangers about our shop and our goal and let us stimulate not only their bodies but also their minds.
"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." -Albert Einstein
Sincerely Yours,