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Killing Ron Jeremy

Killing Ron Jeremy is a wild, action-packed, roller-coaster, comedy adventure starring Ron Jeremy and Evan Stone!

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Killing Ron Jeremy

Killing Ron Jeremy

Killing Ron Jeremy

Killing Ron Jeremy

Killing Ron Jeremy

Killing Ron Jeremy is a wild, action-packed, roller-coaster, comedy adventure starring Ron Jeremy and Evan Stone!

Killing Ron Jeremy is a wild, action-packed, roller-coaster, comedy adventure starring Ron Jeremy and Evan Stone!

Killing Ron Jeremy is a wild, action-packed, roller-coaster, comedy adventure starring Ron Jeremy and Evan Stone!

Killing Ron Jeremy is a wild, action-packed, roller-coaster, comedy adventure starring Ron Jeremy and Evan Stone!

Wheelhouse Entertainment
Wheelhouse Entertainment
Wheelhouse Entertainment
Wheelhouse Entertainment
1 Campaign |
Hollywood, United States
$895 USD 16 backers
0% of $300,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal



In some arenas, even the ones with many talented individuals, there is one individual who will stand out above the rest. Think of Michael Jordan to basketball, or Wayne Gretzky to hockey. In the world of adult films is there any name bigger than Ron Jeremy? Unfortunately for Evan Stone, the answer is “No”.

You see, Evan Stone is a famous adult film actor; you might not know his name, but you know his face. Even if you don't watch adult films, not a week goes by where Evan doesn't show up on cable somewhere. He has legions of fans, and a stellar reputation among his peers; but, as long as Ron Jeremy is alive, he will always be number two.

This is driving Evan crazy, and when he finds out that he has to present Ron with a Lifetime Achievement award, that's the final straw. Evan decides....Ron Jeremy must die!

Some where between Boogie Nights and Horrible Bosses you will find Killing Ron Jeremy. Our story follows Evan Stone as he and his trusty sidekick, Ern (like Vern without the V), decide to take it upon themselves to make Evan number one. The only way they can do this is by killing Ron Jeremy. Unfortunately for them, neither one has the constitution to kill in cold blood. Together the partners set off on an hysterical adventure filled with numerous “creative” attempts to bump off Ron Jeremy, and place Evan in his rightful place on the Throne of XXX.

Will they succeed, or will they get shot down in flames? 

Will Evan achieve his dream of being the top dog in adult cinema? 

Will Ron Jeremy EVER die, or is Evan doomed to be second banana for the rest of his days?

Welcome to Killing Ron Jeremy, a madcap, free-wheeling, rowdy, laugh-filled romp through the streets of Hollywood, and the day-to-day lives of two of the biggest stars in adult films. Starring Ron Jeremy and Evan Stone as themselves, and cameo appearances by stars of all shapes and sizes.



And finally, a few from the Producers:

Join the KRJ ARMY and help Ron & Evan to the "other side"!

We've all seen what Ron and Evan are capable of. Let's not kid ourselves....there's a very good reason both of these guys are in the business they're in! But did you know they could act? 

Hell, neither did we! 

Actually, we're just kidding. In truth, Ron has been a figure in mainstream TV and Film for a while now, and Evan has been looking for the right opportunity to take a turn acting with his clothes on. Ron and Evan both really enjoy doing it...acting that is. They're both really good too! They have natural comedic timing, and are very capable of making us all laugh. Now, with Killing Ron Jeremy, they get a chance to stretch their...uh...wings and fly.

Who Are We?

We are Wheelhouse Entertainment, LLC. We are a full-service production company out of Los Angeles made up of a bunch of industry veterans who came together to form our own company, and produce top quality films and television for everyone to enjoy. We produce TV Shows, Commercials, Documentaries, Feature Films, and web commercials. You can look at some of more recent things we've already produced here:

Our Thanks

First of all let's just say right up front. 


We have a lot of different perks and perk levels; we tried to create a good range for everyone. We are also very happy with the perks we are able to offer you! Of course we have all the usual movie SWAG: 


Trucker Caps


But we've also got some other really cool stuff:

Private movie screenings

Bottles of Ron Jeremy's "Rum de Jeremy"

Invitations to the Wrap Party

Visits to the set!

Ever wanted to meet Ron Jeremy or Evan Stone and shake Well here's your chance! 

The T-Shirts, Hats, and Stickers will go out to you guys as soon as funding is complete, and those items have been a couple weeks after funding is finished. The rest of the perks are "date specific" and will be distributed as they come available, or on the specific date of the event. 

*PLEASE NOTE: If your PERK includes a bottle of Ron's "Rum de Jeremy" you will be required to show proof you are at least 21 years of age. 

Spread the Word!!

Times are tough, we know it, that's why we're here! If you can't contribute monetarily, that's cool, you can still help! We need anyone and everyone to help us get the word out about this great movie, and our Indiegogo Campaign.  

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell the folks at church (ok...that might be asking a bit much).

Put the word out on your Facebook page, on Twitter, and any other social media platforms you like to use.

"Like" our Facebook page!

Follow us on Twitter @killinronjeremy (we had to leave out the "g" in "killing" so it would fit)

Oh....and don't forget...go see the movie!!

Legal Mumbo-jumbo:


Ideally, in a perfect world, everything goes according to plan, comes off perfectly, and everyone is happy and dancing as the sun sets slowly into the western horizon. But let's be honest, we live in an imperfect world; so what we can tell you is: we have put a ton of who we are into Killing Ron Jeremy, the story is our own, crafted together as a team of very creative friends. It is, ultimately, a labor of love. For Ron and Evan it's a chance to give something back to their fans; an homage to the people who made them who they are. For the rest of the team, it's our love for film making, good story-telling, and lots of laughs. We are going to make absolutely the most amazing film possible with the support and resources we receive. No matter what, we will deliver to you a movie that you can be proud of being a part of.


The Producers

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Choose your Perk


Spoiler Special

$20 USD
We call this the "Spoiler Special" because you're gonna know the ending before anyone else! That's right, in addition to all the stuff above, you are also going to get a digital download of the shooting script the day the movie is released! So, as long as you can read, you'll be able to ruin it for all your friends while you standing in line to see the movie! *Please include $5.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
5 out of 500 of claimed

The Wall of Honor

$1 USD
Would you pay a dollar to be immortal? Well we're making it possible. One dollar will get you a spot on the KRJ Wall of Honor. Your name will be listed, in perpetuity, on the Killing Ron Jeremy website for all the world to see!
0 claimed

The Backer

$10 USD
At the entry level we still take care of ya! For ten bucks you get an Official Backer Certificate. Perfect for framing, or you can keep it in your wallet and whip it out at parties! You also get an autographed mini-poster (digitally delivered), and a KRJ sticker. *Please include $5.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 500 of claimed

Just the Tip

$30 USD
At this level you get everything mentioned above, PLUS a digital download of the movie poster in full size. *Please include $5.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
1 out of 300 of claimed

A Little Phone Action

$35 USD
Now it's personal! At this level you get all the aforementioned perks, plus you'll get a phone call from one of the films stars personally thanking you for your support. You don't know how special this actually is, we're the Producers and we can't get them to call us! *Please include $5.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
2 out of 300 of claimed

Thanks to You!

$50 USD
Ever wanted to see your name on the big screen? $50 is all it takes! in addition to the Official Backer Certificate, the autographed mini-poster, the KRJ sticker, the digital download of the script, digital download of the movie poster, and the phone're going to get your name in the credits under "Special Thanks". Make your friends sit to the end so you can say, "SEE?! I told you so!!" *Please include $5.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
2 out of 300 of claimed

In the Loop

$75 USD
This one is really cool. Not only do you get all the stuff we listed above, but you also get an official movie poster PERSONALLY autographed to you, by Ron and Evan, and exclusive email video updates of the film, and stuff taking place behind the scenes! See what's going on on-set, and get inside info from the films stars! *Please include $5.00 for domestic and $10.00 international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
1 out of 200 of claimed

VIP Viewer

$100 USD
Talk about the inside track! This perk literally puts you at the movie the day it comes out, whether you can get to a theater or not...and for free! Yep...because, in addition to AAAALLLLL the stuff we've listed above you are also going to get a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD OF THE MOVIE the DAY IT COMES OUT! Watch it at home, have friends over, have your own KRJ Premier party! *Please include $5.00 for domestic and $10.00 international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
2 out of 100 of claimed

Shirt Off Our Back

$150 USD
You're probably smart enough to figure this one, you're right, this one includes a shirt...but it's a really cool, limited edition shirt. See you get everything we have mentioned so far, plus you get an Official KRJ "Crew" T-Shirt, just like the ones the crew wears on set. Apply for a job as a grip, wear this T to the interview, and you're almost guaranteed to get the job! It's that official! *Please include $15.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

The Capper

$200 USD
Are you folicly challenged? Is your forehead racing to the top of your neck? Are you bald? Then here's your perk! Because you get EVERYTHING we already mentioned....PLUS an OFFICIAL KRJ TRUCKER CAP! It looks good on a tractor OR behind the wheel of a 1969 Camaro! This is also a nice wardrobe addition for any of the trendy, hippy, hipster crew. *Please include $15.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

Get Drunk On Ron!

$250 USD
Like to throw a few back? Have an appreciation for fine spirits? Then this is your perk! All the stuff we mentioned so far PLUS an AUTOGRAPHED bottle of Ron Jeremy's "Rum de Jeremy"*. You guessed it...Ron's not just the #1 star in adult films, he's also an entrepreneur! He's got his own line of rum. Whatever your taste, we'll take care of you. Ron's rum is not available at any other perk level. *MUST BE AT LEAST 21 YEARS OLD FOR THIS PERK *NOT AVAIL Internationally
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
1 out of 25 of claimed

The Team Member

$500 USD
Wow! How can we ever thank you??? Well hows about with all this stuff: FIRST you get an official TEAM MEMBER CERTIFICATE. THEN you get all the items we mentioned above (except the Rum!) AND...A PRIVATE SCREENING and MEET and GREET with the stars! That's right, you and a friend will attend a private screening of "Killing Ron Jeremy" and meet the stars! (Date and location of private screening to be determined, travel and hotel not included) *Please include $15.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

VIP Team Member

$750 USD
You up the ante....well then so do we! At this level you get all the awesome things we have mentioned up to now, as well as you and a friend will get access to the set on a day of shooting! Come down to the set, hang out, chat with the stars on set, see how movies get made, have some laughs and eat some craft services!! Just like the pro's! (date of visit to be and accommodations not included) *Please include $15.00 for international shipping
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 15 of claimed

I'm A Film Producer!

$1,000 USD
Now you can tell your friends you're a movie producer....BECAUSE YOU ARE! Run out and buy your own casting couch because it's official! Along with a Crew T-shirt, Cap, and digital download of the movie, you will receive an ON-SCREEN Associate Producer credit (along with your own IMDB page!) and an invitation for you and a guest to the Wrap Party! You're in the club now! (travel and accommodations not included)
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Extra! Extra!

$2,500 USD
You are an extra in the film. There you are! On screen! In the movie! You'll get a KRJ Trucker Cap, T-Shirt, and digital download of the movie, as well as, an invitation for you and a friend to the Wrap Party, and we're gonna put you up! We'll set you and a guest up overnight in a sweet hotel, you just have to take care of getting yourselves here! And we're not talking about Motel 6 either! (Travel is not provided)
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Hey Ma! I'm an Actor!

$5,000 USD
Ever wanted to be in a movie? Here's your chance! You get everything we offered in the $2500 perk, AND you get a SPEAKING role in the movie! Sit in the theater and get ready, then, when it's time, you can shout, "There I am!". Join our team at this level and we'll launch your movie career! Wrap Party and Hotel provided (dates TBD), you have to get yourself here.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

One Line Wonder

$10,000 USD
10 "large" deserves something special! So, in addition to all the stuff in the $1000 perk, you will also get a single line full "Producer" credit in the film (includes IMDB page). We're also going to invite you and a friend to a private dinner with the stars and the producers of the movie. An intimate evening of food, drink, and conversation with all the key players involved in the making of "Killing Ron Jeremy"! (Hotel included, travel not provided, date to be determined)
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

The Wad

$50,000 USD
What can we say? At this level you are obviously not screwing neither are we. Everything mentioned above, full access to the set, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit, two days hotel accommodations for all featured events. (dates to be determined) At this point, we're probably visiting during the holidays.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed
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