UPDATE: 54% funded!
As of November 2, through direct donations on our website... we have raised an additional $2050 - 13% of our total post budget in two days! YAY!
Though your support means we get to turn our focus to executing post and delivering fun Indiegogo Perks to say thanks... fundraising for our total budget continues.
So? Whether you need a Haiku or Ode of your own, or you want to give quietly and anonymously... The donate is button is LIVE at www.laundrofilm.com.
Follow @laundrofilm, @vanessa_shaver and @gbantjes, as the next chapter unfolds...
Laundro is a 15min psychological drama / social horror about the cycle of abuse.
Eve (Shaina Silver-Baird) finds herself in a laundromat, unharmed but disassociated, holding her own bloody clothes. Playing and replaying the events of dinner, she tumbles through conventional narrative into unfamiliar PTSD space, as the petty fight she had with John (Guifre Bantjes-Rafols) becomes distorted and monstrous. What if... she killed him? Whether she took out her bad day on her innocent husband's skull, or escaped endless gaslighting by a handsome narcissist, Eve must come to terms with her own capacity for violence in order to see what happened to her clearly enough to escape.
Utilizing the laundromat as a representation of the cycling common to PTSD: the rinse/spin/repeat iteration inside one’s own mind as one tries to make sense of the impossible, Laundro is comparable to films such as "Get Out," "The Girl on the Train," "Rebecca," or "Vertigo" as well as shows like "The Handmaid's Tale" and "Jessica Jones."
Laundro has blossomed into a thrilling story about the murkier side of relationships, and a reminder to consider the impact of our words and actions. "The Effect Remains The Same"
Laundro Phase 1: COMPLETE
Filmmaking is a funny process.
Back in 2017, we sought a minimum of $3200 to cover basic expenses, and folks backed us to the tune of $5,000 on Indiegogo... but we did not make a film for 5k.
We rallied, put in our own money and *almost* met our first stretchgoal, which was $13,200 for On-set FX. Factor in in-kind sponsorships from William F. White, Good Dog Digital, Quick-Clean Laundry Centre, Trew Audio, among others.. those businesses made it possible for us to raise 5k on Indiegogo, and shoot a film worth $31,500.
That isn’t even the half of it... the truth is our talented team are our biggest backers! Quantifying the contributions of our amazing ACTRA Co-op cast and stellar production crew equals values of 13k and 39k respectively, a whopping 52k in donated services.
What that means is that first 5k raised here, and the generous support of industry professionals, made it possible for us to plan and execute a short film shoot worth over $70,000 in October 2017.
What?! That’s amazing.
With an incredible film in the can, and after stretching our time and resources as far into the editing process as possible... we have officially come to the end of what our production funds will cover.
Laundro Phase 2: POST FX and RELEASE
VFX, Colour, Music, Sound design, Mix and Master... these elements make or break a film.
So we are reaching out to you for Phase 2. We believe in Laundro, and with your backing we can finish post-production to a higher standard, and get it out to festivals in 2020. Not only that, but we want to take you with us backstage as we complete this journey.
We are seeking an additional $16,000 to finish our film. If we have the honor of hitting this goal, every additional dollar we raise will contribute to the ultimate achievement for a low budget short: paying our generous team what they are worth. We plan to highlight their contributions as the campaign progresses.
How will that 16k break down? Glad you asked.
Not including deferred rates, donations, and sponsorships:
- Pickups, VFX, & Colour: $7,000
- Sound Design, Music, & Audio Mix/Master: $7,000
- Festival Submissions & Indiegogo Fees: $2,000
- Phase 2 Total: $16,000
In short... with a final 16k raised our production team will deliver a truly beautiful short, worth over $100,000. Wow!
Join our team for the last leg of this journey - help us fold this laundry.
Check out the full list of perks in the sidebar; you can click on them for a full description>>>
The Impact
The stories we tell each other are important. Film is a way to escape from reality, but also a way to step inside the perspective of another person, and come to a deeper understanding of their experiences.
We fulfilled our goal of weaving a unique social horror, spun from everyday aggressions and casual gaslighting, narcissistic abuse and domestic violence.
We believe Laundro will help educate people about the impact of everyday aggressions such as negging, narcissistic abuse, and gaslighting. These "little things" can break minds or fuel domestic violence; strung together they put the "complex" in front of PTSD. Combined with words of love or promises of care, they form profound betrayal and institutional traumas. Many people are experiencing this right now, and can't even identify the cause.
Our goal is to put a spotlight on the conditions that perpetuate this cycle of abuse, in the form of daring, vibrant, well-executed art, and let sunshine into these aspects of our society that we'd much rather ignore. We hope it will start conversations.
The success of this film will directly translate into our ability to make future, bigger, full-budget, projects.
You can help us do that.
Risks & Challenges
"Cheap. Fast. Good. - Pick two"
It has been a challenge to accomplish the bulk of post production with limited resources. The cost has been... more that a year making time for the director to execute a visionary edit. We willingly sacrificed "Fast" on the altar of "Good" and "Cheap." Now? We have a good film, potentially a great film, achieved at twenty cents to the dollar.
We have prioritized remaining expenses, and arrived at 16k through a lengthy process - it's our target, and we are taking aim. Without reaching it, we risk not being able to fulfill our promise of an excellent film to everyone who contributed to it thus far. We risk being unable to include incredible music, or raise goosebumps from sound design. We risk being unable to get it in front of international audiences, we risk not having the conversations about the cycle of abuse that we hope to have.
Other Ways You Can Help
We hope you’re more than a little intrigued by this project and, even if you can’t donate right now, please share the page with your friends and let them know about the project.
#laundro #laundrogogo #supportindiefilm #onegoodegg #notaboutthechicken
Who We Are
Is the ACTRA collective formed by the actors and core team to produce Laundro under the Co-op Agreement: Vanessa Shaver, Emily Andrews, Shaina Silver-Baird, Guifre Bantjes-Rafols, Limor Marks, Jeff Dingle, Dylan Brenton, and Miriam Kay.
Emily Andrews and Jen Pogue, and Laura Nordin of Filmcoop are the incredible producers that made Laundro happen.
"Emily Andrews, Laura Nordin, and Jen Pogue are a collaborative and creative producing team who has brought audiences theatrical releases and the festival runs of such feature films as Cocksure Lads - The Movie and Burning, Burning. Soon to be released are Warren P. Sonoda’s action comedy thriller Things I Do For Money, Gord Rand’s absurd dinner party comedy Pond Life, and Astrid Van Wieren and Jon Michaelson’s heart wrenching social work drama The River You Step In. They have produced award-winning short films such as the multi-award-winning Jessica Jessica which is currently airing on CBC’s Reflections Program, Case of the Massey Bodice Ripping was awarded ‘Best Short’ at the Venice Short Film Festival, and Orchid received Toronto ACTRA Women’s Committee Toolkit Grant and is now available for streaming on NSI Canada.
This strong female-led company is a highly sought-after team having collaboratively produced nearly a dozen films of various production levels in 2018 alone. Filmcoop Inc. will stop at nothing to see the job through, to get our stories heard."
Founded earlier this year by Guifre Bantjes-Rafols, Faula is facilitating the post process; providing infrastructure to support Laundro through to release.
"Faula Creative Inc. is a production services company focused on bringing new and challenging stories to life."