(Temporary Trailer)
"Lee'd The Way" is the story of the first "Solution Candidate" for President of the United States. He launches a whole new type of campaign, independent of any political party, that actually changes the whole geography of how candidates run for office.
"Lee'd The Way" is the first Solution Film in the history of Cinema. It is a new "Genre" unlike anything that has been produced before. Cinema has been around for over a century, but this young art form has barely touched its potential until now. The 'Solution Film' will highlight possible solutions to the problems facing us and the world at large and will encourage others to follow in our footsteps, helping to bring about positive changes to our societies.
Current Goal
You may ask why are we doing this campaign at this point in time? We started shooting this film in February of 2020, but the pandemic shut us down. We were determined to continue and as soon as it became possible to start up once again, we did so, 7 months later. Yes, we shot this film during the pandemic and are now heavy into post production. So this feature film will happen, but in a world where theaters are closed and distribution is limited.
We need some more funds to complete post production, since, we were not able to shoot any crowd scenes and some locations were not available during the pandemic. 20% of our requested funds will go towards digital enhancement in order to make the green screened backgrounds look authentic in the final product.
We have also shot a "Making Of" documentary that highlights how we approached production during the pandemic, 10%, of funds will go towards its completion.
Virtual Reality Immersive Solution Play
70% of our proposed funding is towards the Sales and Marketing of this movie. Not only is the movie groundbreaking in its form but so is the marketing campaign, as we introduce a clever new form of virtual reality entertainment solely for the movie's launch. The producer has spent eleven years of selling films around the world and knows that it will take an extraordinary campaign to distribute the movie worldwide. Therefore we have developed a whole new form of entertainment to advertise our unique product; VRISP with VRISM. (see FAQ above)
Our purpose is to do more than just entertain or provide a form of escapism. We are determined to offer possible solutions to the worldwide problems that we face everyday. Besides offering interesting and novel perks, we want to invite everyone who contributes to this campaign to list the problem closest to your heart in the comments section of the page, it can be a problem that you have endured personally or a situation that concerns society and the world at large i.e. homelessness, domestic abuse, starvation and poverty or even the pandemic itself. We will offer a solution to the most commonly shared problems in our next production.
If we are able to reach our goal we have a whole new list of extended perks that we will add to the campaign. Gifts that will make an even bigger splash than those offered on the page currently.
"Please share this campaign with others
and together we will change the world for the better."
Principal CAST
Simon TWU
Carolina HOYOS
Principal CREW