Like Radio - Radio for the 21st Century!
We are Like Radio, a radio station who is striving to provide truly local radio within Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Radio across the 2 counties in our opinion in now starting to sound bland, boring and be of little relevance to the area. We believe radio in the two counties needs personality, localism and our station will bring this back! The station will truly be for the 21st Century using the latest technology and techniques to integrate and interact with the audience, and of course promote local businesses. We are even creating a way that listeners can help decide our weekly playlist!
We are an experienced team with our 30 combined years experience in the media and most importantly the radio industry, with one team member Ian Davies, being a popular presenter within our target area for the past 8 years.
Our Campaign
Ask yourself these questions:
- Fed up of presenters sounding like robots?
-Fed up of hearing the same songs day in, day out?
-Fed up with presenters not knowing anything about the area they cover?
-Most importantly, do you like radio?
We are going to bring truly local radio for the 21st Century to Herefordshire and Worcestershire. The majority of our programming will be produced from our studio and premises in Hereford. We are going to provide a new format and formula which gives the listeners more control than any other radio station within our area. We will have full interaction with the listeners throughout the core times of the day, many request programmes, all topics relevant to our core area and we are building a voting platform for the listeners to decide what should be on our A-List.
We believe this is important as it will show the big groups that local radio can still work and that networking is not required. We also want to build this station so similar stations by us could be rolled out across the country in the future.
Like Radio will show how radio for the 21st Century should be done!
What We Need & What You Get
For this project we require £50000. This amount is what we require for DAB carriage costs for 1 year. We have already covered the studio equipment costs, so all we need is the desired platform to broadcast!
If we do not reach our target and unable to seek the shortfall elsewhere, we will launch on as many internet platforms as possible (Website, Apps, Internet Radio Services etc). Using this method will make it harder to raise funds so the money raised will go towards our running costs.
For businesses to help us raise for £50000 target we have special advertising perks! For general supporters we have things ranging from shout outs to a whole dedicated hour to you! Please see the right hand side.
The Impact
This project will provide a platform for new radio talent in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. We will also have the platform to provide music genres that are not touched by the other stations in the area. The simple fact is that we will be different and provide a service that will be valuable to Herefordshire and Worcestershire life.
Risks & Challenges
As with any project there are always risks. Our main risk is ensuring we have enough funds to continue after the first year. We are currently building an experienced sales team who can work under pressure. Due to lower overheads than other stations in the area, we will be able to offer advertising at a lower price allowing us the to be very competitive. If we are unable to sustain a DAB service, we will continue on-line after the first year.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please spread the word! You can use the Indiegogo share tools!
We would love to provide a new service for Herefordshire and Worcestershire and show that truly local radio does work.
We would also love the know if you have any ideas you want like us to consider. Please contact