I'm going to add 8 pages to LONESTAR #1, and fill it with special thanks, listing every public supporter as a permanent member of the LONESTAR SQUADRON! And with the rest of the room, I'll be adding pages of artwork, a sketch-book section as it were. :)
If you are a first mover in these first 30 days of LONESTAR on indiegogo, AND you bought any level perk that requires shipping, you are not only a permanent member of the LONESTAR SQUADRON, you get DOG TAGS to PROVE IT! Sorry, but if I can't ship you anything, I can't ship you your FREE DOG TAGS EITHER!
May I summarize?
Hello! And welcome to my first Indiegogo campaign! My name is Mike S. Miller, I'm a 26 year veteran of the comic book industry, best known for my artwork in the NYTimes best selling, and #1 digital comic book in the world, INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US, and INJUSTICE 2 for DC COMICS. I'm also the cover artist for A GAME OF THRONES, you've probably heard of that one...
I'm from San Diego, California, where I live with my amazing and beautiful wife, and 5 insane children who pull me in every direction! I've gone rogue from the mainstream comics plantation, and have struck out on this new venture to reshape the very nature of comicdom itself! What's that you say? Aiming a little high am I? Well, I figure if I aim for the moon, I might hit the top of the mountain. But either way, it's a long, steep climb, and I'll need your help to get this thing started!
A little bit me, a little bit you...
I'm aiming less high with my initial funding request, just enough to cover the printing, distribution, and fees of the comic, plus some money for my colorist and letterer. I'm really hoping to make enough that I don't have to focus on finding other work and can start building the future that I envision for Blacklist Universe!
We're keeping the perks simple, and the prices as low as feasible:
$5 Gets you permanent membership in the Lonestar Squadron!
$15 flat Gets you a digital copy of Lonestar: Heart of the Hero #1
$20 Cover A or B + Shipping
$25 signed A or B + Shipping
$30 signed cover A PLUS Digital copy
$40 both copies signed + shipping
$80 - Lonestar for troops - Buy 5 signed copies for yourself and we'll send minimum of 5 to USO. If we can, we will send more. NO SHIPPING! (best deal? HECK YEAH!)
$100 Lonestar slabbed! CGC graded 9.8
$100 also gets you the LATE BLOOMER'S SPECIAL! Both covers signed, plus metal prints of two additional images, the punch Hitler history image, and the 'origin' story piece.
$100 Cover B with a remarque a head sketch on it!) + shipping
$200-300 gets you a blank sketch cover with a full drawing of a bust or torso, not just a doodle, an honest to goodness pen and ink drawing!
$250 gets you a SLAB of SLABS! 5 CGC 9.8 copies of LONESTAR #1!
$250 is a retailer special (but available to anyone) you get 25 copies, 12 of each cover SIGNED, and one comes with a head sketch!
For $750, you can BE IN LONESTAR! You'll either be a vampire or a victim in one of the upcoming LONESTAR books!
SOLD OUT - Name an Unknown Soldier after yourself (or whoever, but not Adolf or Benito, or I.P. Freely...) + sketch cover + 10 copies so you can brag to your friends and family that you're in a comic book!
$3000 - Be a character! I will replace a character in the book by name and face to match you, AND draw you and Lonestar together in a piece of original art you can frame! + Plus all comic tiers.
$10,000- ONE cover. I am not selling the original pages to Lonestar. Sorry, collectors. The ONE piece of art that will be available from this first, historic comic book will be ONE of the TWO alternate covers. You buy this perk, you will be the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH besides me who owns original Lonestar: Heart of the Hero published work. And YOU get to pick which cover you want! Hope you brought bags o' money, because this one ain't cheap!
Please check the perks out for more specific details!
Do Do you want to believe in heroes again?
Can you feel it? In the air? That whiff of hope? The hairs standing on end, telling you there is change coming? That is LONESTAR. That is the BLACKLIST UNIVERSE! And that's what you are helping to build by supporting this campaign! We ARE going to change the world! We're going to move the needle! We're going to make Comics GREAT AGAIN!
I'm no spring chicken. I've been doing this for a quarter of a century, PLUS, and the Blacklist Universe has been culminating in my mind and on my computer and in my sketches for all that time, yearning to break free with this one faithful step. This one fateful project. This one great hero who will bring joy and hope and faith back to the comic book world. Oh, yes, you WILL believe in HEROES again. And it all starts NOW!
Other Ways You Can Help
Lonestar needs you, as much as you need him. Like the flower needs the rain, oh, yes, he needs you. He needs your support, not only financially, so that he can live, and thrive and grow, but he needs your voice! He needs your LOVE! He needs you to get out there and tell the WORLD about him! And even if you can't afford to help him now, it costs nothing to spread the good word...
There's a hero coming. Let the people know. Hope is on the way. LONESTAR IS HERE!
Here's a preview of the first 10 pages of LONESTAR!!!![]()
Thanks for looking! I hope we have your support for LONESTAR: HEART OF THE HERO #1!!!