Welcome to the campaign to fund SOLTAC: BETRAYAL Vol. 1. This graphic novel contains 88 pages of story + 4 full page art pages that can be read as a stand-alone or as part 1 of a 3-book trilogy. SOLTAC is a futuristic Sci-Fi mystery-thriller and is my introduction to storytelling. SOLTAC is a concept that I first began writing back in 2005 and has been continually evolving throughout my 26-year military career.
Two hundred years of war between man and machine has resulted in the solar system depleted of critical resources. Hades-Vex and the AI hive are exiled on mars and their AI siege weapons have been outlawed throughout the corporate order. Humanities' desperate attempts to travel amongst the stars have ended in catastrophic failure. With the ronin saboteur Miesha-Otsu evading capture at the edge of the heliosphere, it is time to call in Dextor Barrow, the merchant of death who once saved humanity from the brink of annihilation. When Dextor the bounty hunter agrees to subdue this illusive new threat, he discovers an ominous conspiracy involving sinister forces beyond the pale and that the fate of our solar system is again at peril.
Three sequential pages from SOLTAC: Betrayal Vol. 1
SOLTAC is a fast-paced, energized, action-adventure, that takes place 6000 years in the future. It is loosely based on civilizations throughout the ages and the belief that everything is cyclical, and history repeats itself. I’ve spent 16 years world building this adventure and I hope you’ll find this graphic novel reminiscent of storytelling from the late 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s.
SOLTAC: Betrayal Vol. 1 the perfect bound graphic novel contains: (92 interior pages) 88 pages of story + 4 full page art + the cover.
BETRAYAL: The 48-page (sheet count) color graphic novel will be part one of a three-part story that will blow your mind!
BLOOD AND INK: The 48-page (sheet count) line art graphic novel is the same layout as the color version except the book is in black and white with red for blood and some lettering choices for a more raw, true grit experience.
The 16-page (sheet count) HALF ISSUE ashcan is a book that was created to showcase the character designs, ship designs, color scheme, names and biographical information.
Sons of Strife - Interior page
If this campaign surpasses the 25K MILESTONE goal and the creative team is able to start production on volume 2, there are an additional THREE trading cards available along with various prints, and a bookmark that will be added as stretch goals for every single backer should this campaign go beyond expectations.
Ceres Rendezvous - Interior page
SOLTAC would not be possible without our creative team: Craig White (creator, story, and layout), Gonzalo Loyola (art, inks, and colors), Alonso Espinoza (colors), Shayne Cui (flats), Kurt Hathaway (letters and pre-press) and Red Valkyrie (editors). This graphic novel has been in the works for nearly 3 years!