We want to build a permanent retail and maker's space. Those who have no room or budget for heavy equipment will now be able to come work on projects, (make furniture, cabinets for their kitchen, learn how to use a 3D printer, screen print, laser cut designs) in a central location.
We have already launched Mercer Collective, Edmonton's only bi-monthly strictly handmade craft market and have been doing handmade pop ups (On the Spot Pop Ups) in Edmonton for the past two years. We have seen that access to traditional tools and new technology can limit what someone makes.
In addition to having a workspace, we want to launch a permanent retail outlet for Edmonton's makers to get into their community. Need the perfect gift and want to shop local? Come browse our shop!
We also want to offer classes to youth, emerging artists, adults and anyone looking to make something.
We are currently in the process of forming a board of directors and will be actively looking for a space that allows us to have a workshop and retail storefront.
Realistically, we need a lot more than 5K. But this is a start and an opportunity to get the word out there.
Where does the money go?
We will need funds to:
- Buy equipment, tools, tables, storage
- Design and development of the property to fit our needs
- Business licences, insurance and supplies
The Impact
This is an ability to create an economic shift in the way we buy local. Not only does it increase the opportunity for local, national and international makers to come design, develop AND teach in Edmonton, but it opens up permanent access for customers to buy locally made goods.
Are you interested in getting involved besides monetary?
Here are a few ways:
Email me if you're interested in getting a membership in the collective, selling your items in the retail space or want to contribute funds to our cause - marissa.loewen@gmail.com
We need a lot more than 5K. We can use corporate sponsors, in-kind sponsorship and more. We are also looking for artists, artisans, designers, teachers and builders to be a part of our collective!
A Special Perk from Edmonton Artist, Cheryl Currie/Cloud & Lolly