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MULES- a short film

Drug mules cross the border but their hell is just beginning in this crime/weird tales story

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MULES- a short film

MULES- a short film

MULES- a short film

MULES- a short film

MULES- a short film

Drug mules cross the border but their hell is just beginning in this crime/weird tales story

Drug mules cross the border but their hell is just beginning in this crime/weird tales story

Drug mules cross the border but their hell is just beginning in this crime/weird tales story

Drug mules cross the border but their hell is just beginning in this crime/weird tales story

Paul von Stoetzel
Paul von Stoetzel
Paul von Stoetzel
Paul von Stoetzel
7 Campaigns |
Minneapolis, United States
$1,432 USD 34 backers
21% of $6,660 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 7 Projects Mountain Filled 7 Projects
Mary-Jo has considered herself useless her entire life as a junkie, thief and now drug mule. But within a day of abject horror she is able to find motherly salvation and purpose in her last blood soaked moments. MULES is a about finding hope within the horror of life.

MULES is Killing Joke Films' adaptation of handsome acclaimed novelist Ed Kurtz story about a pair of of drug mules who face tragedy and redemption within the horror weirdness of a hotel room. 



Mary-Jo and Hank are drug mules who just got across the border full of product inside them. Soon Mary-Jo is left to deal with a horrible situation but despite her abysmal world she finds purpose and redemption in her final act in this weird tale/crime/horror hybrid story.


Killing Joke Films is a Minneapolis based company who have produced over 30 short films/music videos, 2 feature documentaries including SNUFF: a documentary about killing on camera and Scrap. KJF's films have been selected for dozens of festivals worldwide including Telluride Horror Show, Sydney Underground Film Festival and LA's Screamfest while winning many awards including "Most Disturbing Film" "Best of Fest" and "Most Innovative Horror".  KJF has collaborated with handsome author Ed Kurtz in the past for the short film "South of Heaven" and for the adaptation of his novel Bleed as a series for SeekaTV. 

Ed Kurtz is the author of NauseaThe Rib From Which I Remake the World, and Angel of the Abyss, among other novels and novellas. His fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies like Thuglit, Needle: A Magazine of Noir, Shotgun Honey, and Psychos: Serial Killers, Depraved Madmen, and the Criminally Insane

This will be produced in tandem with Minneapolis based Know Idea Productions who are the perfect team for this disturbing adaptation.

We are attempting to raise funds to adapt Ed's unreleased short story Mules to complete the KJF short film collection Noir at the Bar which are adaptations of novelists who have contributed to Noir at the Bar somewhere in the nation. Noir at the Bar is an internationally spread event of writers reading and drinking created by Jedediah Ayres who KJF have collaborated with in the past for the award winning short film "Viscosity". MULES would be the final short needed to finish the collection for distribution which would include the adaptation of Dennis Tafoya's "How to Jail", John Rector's "In the Kitchen With . . ." and Jeff Shelby's "Twisted Sister". This collection has been seven years in the making and we are all very excited to finally officially release it to the public as we actively seek distribution for the anthology collection..

We are asking for this amount to help invoke the help from The Dark Lord but also because this amount will fund the entire project, pay crew, and especially to pay for the very difficult and unique special effect which is key in the story. We don't want to give it away but the effect will be constructed and utilized by Outpost 31 proprietor and KJF friend and long time collaborator Ryan Schaddelee for the practical effect and by another longtime KJF collaborator Hyperfocused Production's Marlee MacLeod for the post effect and all other aspects of post production. So please help us raise these funds so we can pay these good folks and as Neil Gaiman says "Go out there and make good art."

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Choose your Perk

Name in Credits

$1 USD
Hey, it's still helping and we appreciate it and you'll see your name in the end credits as well as included in IMDb.
Included Items
  • Thanks in credits
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
3 claimed

A Copy of MULES the short film

$5 USD
Your choice of DVD or Digital Download of the short film MULES which you helped to make happen.
Included Items
  • MULES DVD or Digital Download
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

2 of Ed Kurtz Ebooks

$10 USD
A package of 2 Ed Kurtz Ebooks- The Rib From Which I Remake The World and Bleed
Included Items
  • Bleed Ebook
  • Ebook for Rib
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
0 claimed

1 Signed Ed Kurtz book & MULES

$25 USD
Receive a signed copy of The Rib From Which I Remake The World OR Bleed and a copy of the finished short film MULES.
Included Items
  • MULES DVD or Digital Download
  • Signed copy of RIb
  • Signed Copy of Bleed
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

KJF Hoodie

$35 USD
Zip up hoodie with our slogan on the front and the KJF logo on the back. All the kids are getting them so don't be left out.
Included Items
  • Killing Joke Films Hoodie
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Limited Chapbook & N@tB dvd

$50 USD
This is ONLY available for this campaign- a limited edition Ed Kurtz Chapbook with his novella "Black's Red Gold" and the original short story "Mules" as well as a DVD Collection of short films adapted by Killing Joke Films including Dennis Tafoya's "How to Jail" and John Rector's "In the Kitchen With . . ." NOIR AT THE FILM BAR COLLECTION.
Included Items
  • Ed Kurtz Chapbook
  • N@tB Short Film Collection
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
3 claimed

Chap & 1 Signed book, N@tB DVD

$75 USD
Limited Chapbook containing Ed Kurtz' novella"Black's Red Gold" and the short story "Mules", One signed copy of either of Ed's books The Rib From Which I Remake The World or Bleed & KJF dvd collection of Noir at the Bar short films including Dennis Tafoya's "How to Jail" John Rector's "In the Kitchen With . . ." and Jeff Shelby's "Twisted Sister".
Included Items
  • Signed copy of RIb
  • Signed Copy of Bleed
  • Ed Kurtz Chapbook
  • N@tB Short Film Collection
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A Date With Paul and Ed

$100 USD
Enjoy a date with 2 over educated and underpaid interesting human specimens, film director/adaptor Paul von Stoetzel and novelist Ed Kurtz, who guarantee to make the time interesting & memorable. If you don't live in the Twin Cities area the drunk duo will Skype date with the lucky backer. This also includes any 2 perks the backer prefers as well.
Included Items
  • A Date With Ed and Paul
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
1 claimed

We'll make you into a god.

$500 USD
Or something like that. If you're willing to donate this much go for it and we'll do damn near anything we can do for you and probably beyond. We'll make good, you can trust us, baby.
Included Items
  • Deity creation packet
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 claimed
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