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MYRIVILIS PROJECT by HomoLudensTheatre, Greece

3 stories of "The Green Book" that can change your life. Help us make it real through crisis times.

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MYRIVILIS PROJECT by HomoLudensTheatre, Greece

MYRIVILIS PROJECT by HomoLudensTheatre, Greece

MYRIVILIS PROJECT by HomoLudensTheatre, Greece

MYRIVILIS PROJECT by HomoLudensTheatre, Greece

MYRIVILIS PROJECT by HomoLudensTheatre, Greece

3 stories of "The Green Book" that can change your life. Help us make it real through crisis times.

3 stories of "The Green Book" that can change your life. Help us make it real through crisis times.

3 stories of "The Green Book" that can change your life. Help us make it real through crisis times.

3 stories of "The Green Book" that can change your life. Help us make it real through crisis times.

homoludens theatre
homoludens theatre
homoludens theatre
homoludens theatre
1 Campaign |
Athens, Greece
$262 USD $262 USD 9 backers
4% of $5,437 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

  • Hello everyone! 
  • We are the HomoLudens Theatre Group from Greece. 
  • We are all professional performers and artists from various artistic fields (theater, fine art, music, design, architecture) that bring in and combine our experiences into theatrical performances. 
  • We first met and worked together in 2015 when we were selected by the National Theatre of Greece to participate in the Platform for Young Creators (via a national competition).
  • We are now creating our new theater piece based on Stratis Myrivilis' three short stories ("Οι γοργόνες", "Δευκαλίων", "Μια μαχαιριά") taken from "The Green Book". 
  • Myrivilis' wittyfull writting has been a great source of inspiration for us. It speaks directly to the heart about fundamental issues. It arises a wide range of sentiments and recalls profound matters about life, one's purpose, expectations, love. 
  • The 3 stories we selected from the Green Book, shine light onto these matters and invite each one of us to recall our own personal matters and thus inspires us back. 
  • Stratis Myrivilis is considered a great Greek writer belonging to the 1930's generation. The similarities of his times and today's world are strong: unstable social-political environments, immigration waves, financial instability, etc.  
  • We, as a theater group, stand with curiosity and will of investigation on human existence back in the 30's and how many aspects of life are still relevant and almost identical to today's world. 
  • Why we ask for your help?
  • We believe that both we and you, creators and audience, can benefit by making this theatre performance a reality. It means a lot to us to share with the audience great stories of the past that are still relevant today. And we know that for the audience is equally important to discover old and new theatrical pieces, stories and novels that can actually bring something positive.
  • Theatre is our passion and we need to keep the flame lit and be able to keep practicing our profession in a decent and responsible way.  
  • Myrivillis Project will be premiering on the 11th of February 2016 
  • Theater: Θέατρο Πόλη, Φωκαίας 4 & Αριστοτέλους 87 street, Πλατεία Βικτωρίας,  τηλ: 211 182 8900
  • Performance ID: Στρατή Μυριβήλη Ιστορίες από το Πράσινο Βιβλίο από τους HomoLudensTheatre, Διασκευή / Σκηνοθεσία: Μαργαρίτα Αμαραντίδη, Παίζουν: Μαργαρίτα Αμαραντίδη, Εύα Ανδρονικίδου, Ευθύμης Γεωργόπουλος, Δημήτρης Μαμιός, Μυρτώ Ναούμ, Νίκος Ρουμπάκης, Διονύσης Σάββας, Σκηνικά / Κοστούμια: Μελίνα Αναλυτή, Βοηθός σκηνογράφου: Αναστασία Παντελοπούλου, Σχεδιασμός Φωτισμών: Βασίλης Κλωτσοτήρας, Επιμέλεια Κίνησης: Αυγουστίνος Κούμουλος, Χορογραφία: Άννα Βαρδαξόγλου, Φωτογράφος Παράστασης: Αλέξανδρος Κορομηλάς, Βίντεο: Μιχάλης Θεοφάνης, Γραφιστικός Σχεδιασμός: Γιώργος Αμαραντίδης, Βοηθός σκηνοθέτη: Γεωργία Αλιφέρη, Βοηθός παραγωγής: Gerta Dyle
  • The Myrivilis family has kindly granted all the rights of the original text of those three short stories, to the HomoLudensTheatre company. We thank them!
  • :-)

What We Need 

  • In these times of financial crisis, we, the HomoLudens Theater Company, finance our productions ourselves. We do all actions possible to support our theatre creation but we also count on help by willing friends
  • The financial contribution that we will receive will be used entirely and solely to cover and past and future expenses.
  • Here is a short list of our expenses:
  • Rehearsal costs,
  • Theatre rent,
  • Sceneries,
  • Costumes,
  • Materials,
  • Advertising. 
  • We do not care about luxurious sceneries or costumes, we care about basic conditions: to work successfully and to live with dignity. 
  • Considering the fact that it is a difficult time for anyone, we have placed some perks that may fit to any contributor's budget. Even 1 euro is a great support for us. 
  • There's a greek saying that goes "fasouli to fasouli gemizei to sakouli" ("φασούλι το φασούλι γεμίζει το σακούλι"), which literally translates to "bean by bean the sack is filled".  It's about how each bean (φασούλι) can gradually stack up a stock large enough to feed you.
  • :-)

Other Ways You Can Help

  • Come see the performance!
  • Invite people to our theatre play!
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools to invite other people that may contribute!

And that's all there is to it! 

Thanks a lot for your time to read about our campaign, for your support, and for sharing and spreading the word! 


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Choose your Perk

fasouli το φασούλι

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
Based hopefully on an old saying…! Thank you!
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 1000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

spontaneous fund

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Based on your considerable spontaneous help! Thank you!
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
1 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

friendly fund

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
This means lots to us!!
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

thoughtful fund

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
1 invitation for the play
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
4 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

caring fund

Currency Conversion $43 USD
€40 EUR
2 invitations for the play + meeting with the team
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
1 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

super cool fund

Currency Conversion $65 USD
€60 EUR
3 invitations for the play + meeting with the team + υπογεγραμμένη αφίσα
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

responsible fund

Currency Conversion $87 USD
€80 EUR
Really wishing for your responsible support! Thank you!
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

ultra cool fund

Currency Conversion $98 USD
€90 EUR
4 invitations for the play + meeting with the team + υπογεγραμμένη αφίσα + πρόγραμμα
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

seriously cool fund

Currency Conversion $130 USD
€120 EUR
5 invitations for the play + meeting with the team + 2 υπογεγραμμένες αφίσες + 2 πρόγραμματα
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

unbelievably cool fund

Currency Conversion $217 USD
€200 EUR
6 invitations for the play + meeting with the team + 3 υπογεγραμμένες αφίσες + 3 πρόγραμματα + Πράσινο Βιβλίο με αφιέρωση
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

incredibly super cool fund

Currency Conversion $435 USD
€400 EUR
6 invitations for the play + meeting with the team + 3 υπογεγραμμένες αφίσες + 3 πρόγραμματα + 3 Πράσινο Βιβλίο με αφιέρωση + Dinner offered by the team (up to 6 people)
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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