What is Nature Kids?
In the not-too-distant past an American childhood was defined by unsupervised time outdoors. It was a time when kids could explore woods, play in creeks, build forts, and stay out until the lights came on. Sadly, the days of a free-range childhood seem to be far behind us. Urbanization, technological advances, the loss of green public spaces and fear have given rise to an indoor and plugged-in generation. Today the average American spends 90% of their time indoors and the average American child will spend 7 to 10 hours a day in front of a glowing screen.
Nature Kids is a new, feature-length documentary film from independent filmmaker, Kenny Ballentine. The film focuses on solutions to the kids-and-nature gap. It follows some amazing kids, inspired individuals, and ground-breaking organizations on breathtaking adventures into nature. From backyard gardens to the forest canopy, to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, Nature Kids will ask audiences to look deep into the natural world and deep within themselves. Together we will examine the critical connections between children and nature. We will discover not only why kids need nature, but also why nature needs them.
Why are we doing this campaign?
After two years of hard work, hundreds of hours of footage, and thousands of miles traveled we have finished production on Nature Kids! Now we are left with the enormous task of finishing the film and delivering it to the world. Should we accomplish our funding goal we will use the funds to pay off all our production debts, pay for an original musical score, color correction and a professional sound mix, establish a publicity and marketing budget, and take the film on tour to schools, organizations, conferences, and film festivals around the world.
This is what Indiegogo calls a "Flexible Funding" campaign, meaning that even if we fail to reach our goal we will still keep whatever we do raise. Regardless of how much we raise, every penny will go directly towards finishing this film.
The Perks
We are excited to be offering some very cool and one-of-a-kind perks to our contributors. Our popular "Go Outside" buttons and "Spend S'more Time Outside" bumper stickers are being offered to our $25 and $50 contributors. Other perks include invitations to an exclusive on-line screening event, tickets to the theatrical premier, autographed DVD's and even your very own private screening event with the director in attendance to answer questions!
The Impact
This film is all about solutions. The point is to help people from every walk of life get kids outside and connected to nature. Your donation will make a difference. It will help to finish Nature Kids and more importantly, it will help bring it to the kids, parents, educators and policy-makers who need to see it!
Can't give money?
If you are simply unable to give towards this campaign you can still help. Please share this campaign with everyone you know. Use Facebook, Twitter and email. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers that you believe that childhood needs to be brought back outdoors!