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NeZvērs mobile

Help us start a healthy, ethical and sustainable fast food catering business in Riga!

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NeZvērs mobile

NeZvērs mobile

NeZvērs mobile

NeZvērs mobile

NeZvērs mobile

Help us start a healthy, ethical and sustainable fast food catering business in Riga!

Help us start a healthy, ethical and sustainable fast food catering business in Riga!

Help us start a healthy, ethical and sustainable fast food catering business in Riga!

Help us start a healthy, ethical and sustainable fast food catering business in Riga!

1 Campaign |
Riga, Latvia
$2,079 USD 71 backers
20% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Help NeZvērs go mobile!

We want to become the first 100% plant-based catering service in Riga, Latvia to make this ethical and sustainable lifestyle more accessible to the population of Latvia. Healthy fast food, is that possible? 

All around you companies provide you with delicious food, but many don't seem to care about their impact. We're convinced it's possible to offer our customers a delicious, healthy meal for an affordable price right in the center of Riga without producing excessive amounts of waste. By buying from local farmers, avoiding non-biodegradable products and giving away leftovers to local homeless and poor people, we plan to make a better impact and be an inspiration for other businesses of the future. We need your help to do this!

We're going to provide you with delicious, juicy, plant-based burgers to satiate your voracious, beastly appetite. We have worked on our recipes with professionals and found the best solutions for combining healthy ingredients and unforgettable taste!

Despite very few recycling options in Riga, we always make an effort to recycle and reduce and most importantly reuse as much as possible. Our goal is to become as waste-free as possible.

We are a team of three young women who are passionate about animals, food and sustainability. Victoria studied Bio-Medical Engineering and Physics, Agate studied International Hotel Management and Katrina is studying Biology. All three of us love cooking!

NeZvērs was one of the winning teams at the Social business accelerator program "Socifaction" funded by Erasmus Plus in 2015. Not only did we get competent training in social business planning and marketing, but we also took part in a mentoring program, had our products tested and got some catering experience. Since then we've been catering at small events, parties and small festivals, but a food truck will make us much more mobile.

What We Need 

In order to upgrade our status from NeZvērs pop-up to NeZvērs mobile we need your help. We have found a perfect food truck to transport our goods, betters and bests to the crowds of hungry youngsters at festivals.

Our goal is to raise 10,000 Euros to cover all the necessary expenses that come with starting a catering business. We need to buy, re-design and better equip the food truck to be able to go to all the coolest festivals around Latvia and the Baltics. 8000 Euros is needed to buy and redesign the food truck and the rest will go towards buying additional equipment and stock for the first events.

Please help us by sharing this campaign with your friends and family and follow us on Facebook for more updates!

Contribute now to help us feed the hungry beasts waiting for our burgers!


Due to limits set by PayPal we kindly request you to choose payments by credit card rather than PayPal. Also the currency of funds raised will be converted in the end of the campaign due to Indiegogo setup requirements and limits. Dollars will become Euros, NeZvērs will go mobile.

Many thanks to Klāvs Loris for excellent video production;

Thanks to Jānis Andersons for contribution to our ideas and the food truck design;

Thanks to Rombo and Sanita for the input in the development of the logo;

Thanks to Ramsey Rimkeit for narration and for adding his Californian touch to our recipes; 

Thanks to our mentor, Eliza Kibere for great advice, recipes and support!

Palīdzi NeZvēram kļūt mobilam!

Mēs, NeZvēra komanda, vēlamies atvērt pirmo 100% vegānisku ēdināšanas vietu Rīgā, lai padarītu šo ētisko un videi draudzīgo dzīvesveidu pieejamāku Latvijas iedzīvotājiem. Pagājušā gada novembrī vairāk kā 1000 Latvijas iedzīvotāju pieņēma izaicinājumu kļūt par vegāniem uz vienu mēnesi, kas liecina par plašu interesi par šo dzīvesveidu mūsu valstī!

NeZvēra galvenais mērķis ir sniegt Tev gardus, apetelīgus vegāniskus burgerus, lai apmierinātu pat nezvēra apetīti! Izstrādājot receptes ar profesionāļu palīdzību, esam nonākušas pie labākiem risinājumiem, apvienojot veselīgas sastāvdaļas un neaizmirstami lielisku garšu!

Viss NeZvēra ēdiens tiek mājražots, ir lielākoties vietējs un pagatavots no sezonālām sastāvdaļām. Īsāk sakot - mēs esam no nākotnes!

NeZvērs parūpēsies par to, lai visi ēdieni, kas netiks izlietoti, nonāk to rokās, kam tie visvairāk vajadzīgi. Mēs esam par labo darbu darīšanu un atkritumu mazināšanu!

NeZvēra komanda sastāv no trim jaunām dāmām, kam rūp vegānisms, ēdiens un ekoloģija. Viktorija ir ieguvusi izglītību medicīnas inženierijas un fizikas jomā, Agate –viesnīcu menedžmentu un viesmīlību internacionālā augstskolā, un Katrīna mācās par biologu.

NeZvērs bija viena no uzvarētājkomandām sociālo uzņēmēju akseleratora Erasmus+ atbalstītajā programmā „Socifaction” 2015. gadā. Mēs esam izgājušas apmācības par sociālās uzņēmējdarbības plānošanu, mārketingu, piedalījušās mentorēšanas programmā, esam testējušas savus produktus un ieguvušas izbraukumu ēdināšanas pieredzi. Kopš tā laika esam piedalījušās lielākos un mazākos pasākumos, un mobilā virtuve padarītu NeZvēru vēl pieejamāku!

Kas mums ir vajadzīgs

Mums ir vajadzīga Tava palīdzība, lai NeZvērs kļūtu mobils! Mūs ir uzmeklējusi ideāla virtuve uz riteņiem, kas ir gatava  pārvadāt NeZvēra labumus uz festivāliem un pasākumiem izsalkušu jauniešu pūļiem!

Mūsu mērķis ir uzkrāt 10 tūkstošus Eiro, lai segtu nepieciešamos izdevumus, kas ir saistīti ar izbraukuma ēdināšanas uzņēmējdarbības sākšanu. Šajos izdevumos ietilpst mobilās virtuves iegāde, dizaina un aprīkošanas izmaksas kā arī ar uzņēmējdarbības sākšanu saisītas izmaksas.

Palīdzi NeZvēram, pastāstot par šo kampaņu saviem draugiem un ģimenei!


Saistībā ar Paypal uzstādītajiem ierobežojumiem, mēs laipni lūdzam Tevi izvēlēties maksāšanas opciju ar kredītkarti.

Valūta tika izvēlēta saistībā ar Indiegogo prasībām un ierobežojumiem. Kampaņas beigās visi savāktie līdzekļi tiks pārvērsti Eiro.

Atsevišķi vēlamies pateikties Klāvam Lorim par brīnišķigu video;

Paldies Rombo un Sanitai par ieguldīto darbu NeZvēra logo tapšanā;

Paldies Jānim Andersonam par ieguldījumu mūsu idejās un mobilās virtuves dizainu;

Paldies Remzijam Rimkeitam par teksta ierunāšanu un savu Kalifornijas pieskārienu mūsu recepšu veidošanā;

Paldies mūsu mentorei, Elīzei Ķiberei par labiem padomiem, receptēm un atbalstu!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Party entrance + Burger

$5 USD
A 5$ contribution is also your ticket to Rasols @ Autentika on June 10th, 10 Pm - 5 Am. 2 Dancefloors with Various DJs (D&B, Electro, Industrial, Jungle, Techno, Afrobeat, Dancehall, Hip-Hop & More) Plus one juicy NeZvers burger at the event! FB event page here:
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
8 claimed

Gift certificate

$25 USD
For donating 25 Dollars you will receive a gift certificate from NeZvērs. International contributors will receive a pdf recipe & a shout-out on our social media!
0 claimed

"Favorite customer" card

$35 USD
For donating 35 Dollars you will receive our "Favorite customer" card that will provide you with special offers and discounts valid at all NeZvērs events and catering locations. International contributors will receive a pdf recipe & a shout-out on our social media!
0 claimed

Board of biggest contributors

$100 USD
For donating 100 Dollars or more... THANK YOU! Your name or your company name will be listed on our board of biggest contributors! And you will get access to a video tutorial of our favorite peanut butter pie! Also, you will receive all of the perks of lesser value.
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Real Beast Card Holder + Party

$500 USD
For this perk we'll give you our "Real Beast" favorite customer card for a free drink with every meal for one year plus all the "favorite customer" discounts and offers. Plus, we'll hold a private pre-opening party at a secret location for you and our close friends. Burgers on the house for you at this event. Also, you will receive all of the perks of lesser value (only one card).
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Private Skype Cooking Lesson

$1,000 USD
For this amazing donation you will get a private Skype lesson to learn how to make a recipe of your choice so you can make our delicious food at home and impress all your friends! Also, you will receive all of the perks of lesser value.
0 claimed

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