Nolan Blake is 10 years old and was diagnosed with Anaplastic Medulloblastoma, on 10/8/2009, relapsed on 3/2011 & 5/2012. We would like to provide Nolan 'Liquid Hope', which is an organic, whole food meal replacement = proper nutrition that can improve physical and cognitive function.
Be sure to follow Nolan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CapsForACureNolanBlake
And "like" Functional Formularies on FB too: https://www.facebook.com/FunctionalFormularies
JANUARY 23rd is Nolan's 11th Birthday!
ANY amount YOU wish to contribute will go towards purchasing Liquid HOPE. Here is YOUR support in action!:
$15= food for a day
$105 = food for a week
$420 = food for a month
$5040 = food for a year
We are purchasing Liquid HOPE directly from Functional Formularies: http://functionalformularies.com/store/#sthash.FbXMVOk5.dpbs
Nolan's Story:
Nolan started vomiting occasionally around July 2009. His family thought it was a little stomach virus since Nolan tends to be prone to these. Instead of getting better Nolan continued to vomit every morning which turned into everyday all day. Then came the headaches. When his pediatrician couldn't find anything wrong we were referred to a GI doctor who (Dr. Liu) ordered further test including a CT scan of the brain. His CT scan was done on October 8, 2009 which showed a brain tumor the size of a golf ball in the 4th ventricle of the brain. He had an emergency MRI within 2 hours of his CT. The MRI showed a tumor in his brain, two in his spine and a spread of leptomeningeal disease within the head and spine. The operation took place on October 13, 2009 and took about 7 hours, including time for anesthesia and recovery. Dr. Reisner Nolan's neurosurgeon was able to remove most of the main tumor the rest would have to be killed with radiation and chemo. Nolan's first spinal tap was considered negative for tumor cells. Nolan's diagnosis is "Large Cell Anaplastic Medulloblastoma" A very aggressive form of brain cancer. So far Nolan has finished 30 radiation treatments combined with carboplatin and vincristine. Six inpatient chemos, which consisted of Cisplatin, Cytoxan, Vincristine. In between each round Nolan would do two weeks of Accutane and two weeks of Neupagen. Nolan finished 12 months of Accutane in December 2010, but relapsed 3 months later with one lesion in his brain and one on his spine. He did bi-weekly infusion of Avastin and Irinotecan. Along with those two chemo's he took the oral chemo (temodar) for five days every month. These chemo's were able to keep Nolan's tumor's stables for 13 months. He relapsed on 5/1/2012 and is now on metronomic chemo that includes; celebrex, thalidomide, fenofibrate, etoposide, Avastin & cytoxan.
So far Nolan has struggled with serious vomiting and nausea. GJ tube was placed on May 19, 2010. He has had two brain bleeds. One which required a shunt revision and one an EVD to drain the blood. He was on TPN (IV nutrition) from August to November 2010 for an inability to digest food properly, vomiting and diarrhea. He has dealt with left sided weakness from the surgery and foot drop (also called Vincristine neuropathy) from the Vincristine. He is currently in Speech therapy, Occupational therapy and Physical therapy to regain his strength. He has severe hearing loss in both ears and wears hearing aids. In August 2010 Nolan started having seizures and was started on akeppra.
We are so proud of Nolan! He continues to keep such a good attitude despite all he has to go through. He enjoys visiting his friends in the hospital, playing with the therapy dogs, watching spongebob, coloring, fishing, playing with hotwheels, watching Nascar (Carl Edwards/Aflac) and swimming.
Thank you everyone for your continued support and prayers! It means so much to us!
❤Philippians 4:13 ❤
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.