Short Summary
Hello, I am Chip Clawson, a sculptor who uses concrete
and ceramics. I began working in ceramics 50 years ago, then launched into architectural-scale public and private art 18 years ago, leading to my current work with fabric-formed concrete. No one else has attempted this kind of work with concrete, it is entirely my vision--and my experimentation--that has led to a place of feeling very confident in my structural techniques.
I recently visited the work of Edward James at Las Pozas, a Surrealist
Concrete Sculpture Garden (architectural sculptures up to 4 stories tall) in
Xilitla, Mexico.
This place of unending creativity was a joy and an inspiration! I am excited to follow Edward James conceptually and
build “Ode to Edward James,” a group of columns and platforms 20 feet tall and
encompassing an area 15 feet by 25 feet. This concrete sculptural structure can be viewed as a metaphysical space or a ruins. Please help me achieve this
goal by funding this project!
What We Need & What You Get
I will take
no payment for my labor (the majority of the work) but will need at least
$10,000 to accomplish the “Ode to Edward James." The money will be used
primarily to pay for materials, but also for a structural engineer, some labor,
and equipment rental. I have already received pro bono architectural services
from Gretchen Krumm at Mosaic Architecture. I will take this project as far as
possible with the money raised and expand it further for greater impact if the funding
Let's face it, your financial
are vital to the success of this project!
So, please, contribute money at any level --
because this will be the Coolest Thing You Do All Week!
A financial commitment of $5 or more is just one way to help!
Be part of my team by sharing, posting, liking, volunteering to help and asking
other folks to join in the campaign.
The Impact
This project pushes at
the edge of what can be created with fabric-formed concrete. I’m also opening
new ways to use architectural forms as sculpture, creating an indoor-outdoor metaphysical space that visually nudges you to imagine more, to see what once was--inviting you to picture the now-missing floor and stairways.
I have been building architectural-scale sculptures for nearly 20 years. Dimensionally, this will be my largest project--both literally and figuratively--a culmination of the other complex, multi-year projects I have completed. This is a big challenge that will
provide my community decades of joy and satisfaction.
Risks & Challenges
I intend to build these sculptures in the city of Helena, Montana; I already have the help of Gretchen Krumm and Phil Bachofner in working
with the city building department, which is supportive of the project.
I have the cooperation and support
of my neighbors in building a large art project in the neighborhood. John and
Janet Andrew are allowing me access across their property several times with
concrete conveyor trucks. I will use my creative energies to solve the inevitable challenges that crop up.
I have a history of successfully taking on
out-of-the-box projects and am excited to begin this new exploration of urban art. I will need volunteer help and have
a large community of friends to call on.
Other Ways You Can Help
I need financial support, but I also
need help in other ways as well. Physical tasks include moving forms and scaffolding,
helping with pouring concrete and other manual labor.
I'm also looking for people with special skills that you
think can help me, for example, video, shipping perks, communications,
computer support, and organizing volunteers.
One of the most important ways you
can support this project is to spread the word and share the excitement.
Please use all the social media tools to help me.