Theater Scene: Highlights of the dazzling wordplay include Deeley’s richly detailed monologue about having seen the 1947 film Odd Man Out in a nearly deserted, run-down cinema and Anna’s cliché-ridden recollections of the joys of cultural life in London in the past.
Theatre That Matters: Brilliantly directed by Christopher Martin. He doesn’t miss an ounce of the dramatic tension in the play and helps bring it to life! It you want bells and whistles, don't go see this play. But if you desire, subtle nuanced performances given by true craftsmen than you’ll enjoy Old Times.
StageBuddy: O'Gorman as Deeley is commanding and when it is called for, playful with the dialogue. Shimshoni as Anna is both graceful and piercing, while Vizina as Kate inhabits her silences with affecting menace.
Hi Drama!: Director Christopher Martin, aided by three excellent and attractive actors, has captured the essential Pinter in this stripped-down, minimalist, white-room set at the Alchemical Theater Laboratory. The play is all talk and no action yet because of the tension created by these convincing actors we are sucked into their world and forced to think about what is really going on. Isn’t that what we’re doing in life?
About our Project
Under the experienced direction of international director Christopher Martin, founding artistic director of Classic Stage Company, Katarina Vizina, Philip O’Gorman, and Danielle Shimshoni will present a provocative look at this 1971 play, fraught with disarming humor, ambiguity and, of course, those infamous Pinter pauses.
The production focuses on the crackling tensions between the characters as they struggle for dominance over one another and themselves, relying on the ever-changing, highly subjective nature of memory. As Pinter said, “The past is what you remember, imagine you remember, convince yourself you remember, or pretend you remember.”
Our Team
Christopher Martin (Director): Christopher was Founding Artistic Director of Classic Stage Company (CSC Repertory) in New York, where he directed nearly 100 productions, including half of Shakespeare, Marlowe's Faustus, Goethe's Faust I & II, Ibsen's Peer Gynt, Yeats' five-play Cuchulain Cycle, Sophocles' Oedipus Trilogy, Aeschylus' Oresteia, Melville's Moby Dick, Shaw's Man And Superman, in addition to major works by Moliere, Chekhov, Strindberg, Ibsen, Buechner, Wedekind, de Ghelderode, Genet, Anouilh, Stoppard, Roger Planchon, Botho Strauss, and Harold Pinter.
An award-winning director, designer, and composer, Mr. Martin has worked for National and State Theatres across Europe and the Far East, translated scores of works from German, French, Spanish, and Swedish, and served for twenty years as American delegate to the International Theatre Institute World Congress.
Philip O’Gorman (Actor-Deeley): Philip is an Irish actor. He has lived in NYC since 2013 and trained at HB Studio, and The Studio New York. His most recent theatre credits include: Sherlock Holmes in Arsene Lupin Vs Sherlock Holmes at the Gene Frankel Theatre; Antonio in The Tempest at the Ophelia Theatre; and Arbenin in the US premier of Lermontov's Masquerade at St Ann's Church, Brooklyn. His film work includes leading roles in: the award winning The Bench; Roleplay; and a featured role in the upcoming independent film, Prom King 2010.
Danielle Shimshoni (Actress-Anna): Danielle is an Israel-American actress and has lived in NYC since 2013. Some of her NY theatre credits include: Gabriella in Boeing Boeing and Lillie Langtry in Sherlock Holmes at Cortland Rep; Lady Macbeth in Christopher Martin's deconstruction of Macbeth at HB studio; and Masha in Masha: Conditions in the Holyland at Theater Row. Her film work includes leading roles in: The "Don't Be Like Roy" Campaign; A Trip To Avalon; and Home.
Katarina Vizina (Actress-Kate): Katarina is a native of Bratislava, Slovakia. She holds a MA in Musical Theatre from The Janacek Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Brno, The Czech Republic. Katarina received the Fellowship for Outstanding Contribution to Theatre from Brooklyn College where she graduated with a MFA in Acting. Since 2000, she has enjoyed and taken part in both traditional and avant-garde theatre in NYC This year, Katarina has performed in two plays, a solo performance, sketch comedy, a movie, and countless voiceover spots. She has taught and directed seniors in New York and teens in Europe. In addition, she loves European chanson, performs concert cabarets, and at private events.
Patricia Fletcher (Dialect Coach): Patricia, the author of Classically Speaking, Dialects for Actors and a designated Linklater Voice Instructor, has been a professional voice, speech and dialect coach for 30 years, working on Broadway, feature films and television. She also teaches in the MFA program at New School University and The William Esper Acting Studio.
Hannah Alikhani (Asst Director/Stage Manager): Hannah is a recent graduate of California State University with a degree in Theatre Arts. Hannah is beginning her career in professional theatre and is delighted to join this talented team. Recent credits include Bodies of Water (FringeNYC) and Antigone (LES Shakespeare Co.).
What we need
We already have a brilliant cast and crew lined up, a space booked, and production team in place, but we need your support to help cover our costs.
Our goal is to raise $21,000, a tall order to be sure, but one in which every dollar will be spent wisely. Here’s an outline of where your dollars will going.
If we manage to bring in more than our $21,000 goal, funds will be allocated to each of the actors and bonuses paid to each crew member.
What's in it for you
In addition to some pretty amazing perks listed on the right of your screen, you will be supporting talented artists and ensuring the continued relevance of this seminal piece of theatrical history. NEAL'S YARD, KCKO, AND JOSH'S PRINTS AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING.
Other ways to help
If you can’t contribute financially (or can’t give as much as you’d like), there are lots of other ways to help!
• Spread the word far and wide about the campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and by good old fashion word of mouth. Copy and paste the link to the page and share to your heart’s content. Or better yet, write about it! Tell your friends why they should donate and come see the show!
• Buy tickets to a performance here:
The Bottom Line
This play is going ahead whatever happens, but we would love your help in making it a rip roaring success. It has all the ingredients to do so.
Thanks so much for reading this, and very best wishes,
Danielle, Kat, and Philip