Once a Year on Blackpool Sands: An LGBTQ Feature Film
Once a Year on Blackpool Sands, is a moving comedy-drama about the love, identity and courage of the LGBTQ community during the first walk towards Gay Pride in 1950s England. Based on the real-life events of Yorkshire coal miners and secret gay lovers, Tommy and Eddy, who spend their annual week holiday at a quirky B & B in Blackpool, along with a few other alternative members of society – the transgender Mr. Elbridge, the ex-show girl Red Ethel and the eccentric owner Gladys and her flirty daughter Maureen. The film takes us on a rollercoaster journey through the North of England to the beaches of Greece, as we follow each character’s fight for equality and freedom in an age that still deemed being gay, or “different” as a crime. Our protagonists find courage in one another's bravery and initiate the first walks towards gay pride in the UK as they walk the length of Blackpool pier, defying prejudice and abuse. As we grow to love our characters, we grow to learn that without the courage and bravery of individuals throughout history, we would not be where we are today; and although the world likes to pigeon hole into subcultures and marginalize us into repression, the LGBTQ community and anyone of a so-called “minority” in the modern world are bold, unstoppable and here to share their story. This film is not a sad story, it’s an active tale of hope and triumph that deserves to hit the cinema screens!
Here is a film that celebrates diversity and how love’s motivational power can be a catalyst for change. A deft, witty and moving screenplay, and stellar performances, showcase what we can bring to the UK indie film industry. Written and directed by Karlton Parris and based on his hit stage production which toured the UK and off-Broadway New York, our film is currently in production across the UK, with a talented cast and crew full of passion and vigour for the film, and the hope and excitement it will bring to audiences and aspiring filmmakers out of the mainstream.
Queer people are not weird, nor should they only be supporting roles; they are stars of their story and that is what we want to inspire with our film: it’s true that when we see ourselves on screen, we see that we are valued, active members of the world.
The Writer/Director
Karlton Parris is a creative member of the LGBT community with over 30 years working as a writer, director, actor and lyricist, whose direct experience of the loss of his loved one at the hands of AIDs in the 1980s, led him to Greece, where he met the real Eddy Corkhill and Tommy Price – two gay lovers suffering from AIDs, who would then die later that year. They shared their story to Parris, of how just once a year, on Blackpool Sands, they were given a space where they could just be, and be free to love, away from the punishments and judgements of society. They spoke of how they not only liberated themselves, but others hiding in the dark of their identity (transgender, lesbians, bisexual and so on) as they bravely chose to walk, hand-in-hand, the length of Blackpool pier as openly gay and proud! Their heart-breaking, yet painfully funny, recollection of their love invoked a passion in Parris that would lead him to write and produce a production and dedicate his art to sharing their story. Through years of honing the script, it went onto the stage, and received unanimous praise. Parris now knew it was ready to bring it to the screen!
Why you should support us and how you can
Once a Year on Blackpool Sands is unique example of a great story and an act of courage in itself: we’ve done the hard bit, we’ve landed the incredible cast, established an amazing film crew, and we’ve sourced the locations…oh and we are already mid production, with some beautiful footage under our belt and more to come! We just need your help to make it the highest quality final product possible to ensure that this inspirational and encouraging story can reach audiences near and far, of all backgrounds and cultures.
Your support will secure the rest of our locations and shoot dates (we have 5 days planned in April that need funded), to pay the cast and crew a reasonable wage, pay for post-production and pay for festival submissions, cinema screenings, and distribution to reach those that need the LGBTQ community and acceptance the most and to showcase and inspire independent filmmaking.
Things we have going so far:
- A killer script and a director with years of experience with the story – Once a Year on Blackpool Sands was initially a successful play, which gained the support from the arts and LGBTQ community both in the UK and in New York. Hence, we have had high pre-production values and a lot of time to figure explore how the story could work on screen.
- We’ve formed a skilled, professional crew from around the UK, with each member bringing a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and passion to the film – and the crew just keeps growing as we are inundated with CVs and budding filmmakers who’ve heard about our success story so far.
- Our cast have been selected from the crème de la crop UK talent and includes a lot of the play’s original cast, so each member breathes their characters and is fully invested in the story from the very beginning – which means that the on-screen performances and chemistry are authentic, honest and deeply rich.
- Our creative and resourceful locations team have found the very best locations for each scene, involving the local communities and making use of previously discarded areas.
- We already have a 40% of the final film shot and in the can.
- We have plans to premiere in LA this November and establish ourselves as a growing independent LGBTQ film company, provided we deliver the goods.
- We are a predominantly Northern crew, highlighting what the North of England has to offer in production talent and value, and supporting the UK film industry itself (it doesn’t all just happen in London!)
The film’s progress so far has largely been due to the Writer/Director’s personal investments and the honourable belief and support of our cast, crew and friends. Now, as production continues to successfully progress, we need to secure completion funds and make sure that all the years of hard work and graft pay off - and that you can join in our journey!
Where will your funds go?
Cast, crew and catering
Equipment - lighting, cameras, sound
Post production and sound design
Locations - locations, permits, travel costs
Production design, hair and makeup and costumes
£10,000 of Karlton's own funds have gone into production already.
Why we need your support
Once a Year on Blackpool Sands is about hope, resilience, courage and community, and the importance fighting for what you believe in. Without these courageous individuals who risked their lives for gay rights, we would not be where we are today. But there is still a long way to go for those that identify themselves as LGBTQ or simply those that feel out of place in society – this film is a step towards being seen and heard as people, not as “other.” Our production team and cast know this. Their hope, time, energy, enthusiasm and belief are what has got this film to where it is now.
We can only go so far with the funds we have and the undying support and time from our cast, crew and backers. We want to keep the vigorous momentum and continue to produce the best footage we can. So, we need financial support from you; it is you who will bring this story to the screen and shed light on how the beauty of human nature can withstand the hate of humanity.
Risks and challenges
With any independent film there are always going to be some risks involved, which we fully understand. Yet, unlike others we have age and experience on our side (for once this is a good thing!) Our Writer/Director Karl is an experienced director, with 25 years in the theatre industry and a wealth of experience in bringing out the best in actors and his crew. Our team is naturally based on diversity, largely residing in the North of England (where the story originates) and some of us even come from coal-mining families. It’s safe to say it’s an authentic and hard-working team, ready to tackle whatever the shoot throws at us. Filming has been smooth sailing so far and we are immensely proud of what we have achieved, as you will see. We do know that in filmmaking, budgets can often go awry, things can take longer than expected and unforeseeable situations will always occur. We feel equipped for this and are excited at whatever challenges come our way.
We believe in the power and motivational potential of sharing stories off the beaten mainstream track. Once a Year on Blackpool Sands is for you and everyone in between.
Meet the Cast
The cast are all representing the authentic diversity of this film and the realities of UK modern England.
Kyle Brookes as Eddy Corkhill
McCauly Cooper as Tommy Price
Dominic McCavish as James Elbridge
Linda Clark as Red Ethel
Wendy Laurence as Gladdys
Elizabeth Coombs as Alice Price
Olivia Charlotte Cole as Susan Elbridge
Molly Jones as Maureen
Other ways you can help support the film
- Share our campaign
- Like, follow and share our social media profiles
- Stay tuned with production news and future dates, key events and distribution
- Tell your friends
- Let us know of your support and what we might do
- Tell us about other communities/platforms/figures who might be interested or who we should reach out to
And some from behind the scenes: