Ginette Sagan said: “Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor”.
It feels right to start this description with a quote by a great woman, who did not stay silent when injustice came knocking on her door. We are Le Zbor, a feminist activist choir from Zagreb (Croatia) and we don’t want to be silent, either. That is why, together with the Domino Associaton, we are organising a festival of activist choirs named ONE VOICE FESTIVAL. We’ve invited 7 other activist choirs from Serbia, Slovenia and Austria to lend their voices to our festival and we need your help to host them all in Zagreb!
We need exactly 3.000,00 $ to cover all the travel expenses for 7 regional choirs, and everything donated will directly help the production of our project. And, of course, we selected some great perks for our supporters - Le Zbor memorabilia and Domino book editions of Susan Sontag and Michel Foucault!
ONE VOICE FESTIVAL will take place in Zagreb, at &TD Theater in the Student Center, on April 21st 2018. Through it, we hope to draw attention to issues we and those around us face, as women, as members of the LGBTQ community, as ethnic minorities, as atheists, as antifascists. Each of the choirs that will sing at the festival comes with its own sound, its own history, but all of us share one idea and one message – that all of us who are labelled as different, as Others, know how to use our voices and will not be quieted.