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PCAB nonprofit fundraiser

PCAB is trying to get nonprofit. PCAB Is all about Anti Bullying in and out of the paranormal field. We want to start helping but we need your help!!!

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PCAB nonprofit fundraiser

PCAB nonprofit fundraiser

PCAB nonprofit fundraiser

PCAB nonprofit fundraiser

PCAB nonprofit fundraiser

PCAB is trying to get nonprofit. PCAB Is all about Anti Bullying in and out of the paranormal field. We want to start helping but we need your help!!!

PCAB is trying to get nonprofit. PCAB Is all about Anti Bullying in and out of the paranormal field. We want to start helping but we need your help!!!

PCAB is trying to get nonprofit. PCAB Is all about Anti Bullying in and out of the paranormal field. We want to start helping but we need your help!!!

PCAB is trying to get nonprofit. PCAB Is all about Anti Bullying in and out of the paranormal field. We want to start helping but we need your help!!!

Sasha Haydon
Sasha Haydon
Sasha Haydon
Sasha Haydon
2 Campaigns |
Anchorage, United States
$45 USD 3 backers
9% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Short Summary

PCAB first goal is to get nonprofit to better help others. 2013 PCAB is Co-hosting the Alaska Paranormal Conference is the first paranormal conference in Alaska. This paracon is a fundraisers for PCAB so we can continue making the steps to helping people.

PCAB will have an annual awards banquet with the focas being on bringing the paranormal feild to the everday community and to acknowledge those who made great efforts to help out in the fight agianst bullying.

We plan to have guest speakers local and outa of state that are in and out of the paranromal feild who will speak on bullying and or experiances in the paranormal.

If $50 people donate $10 we would reach out goal so remember every little bits help this organization get going so we can effect lives of those who have blessed us.

What is needed

Items that are needed to get the convention going

501c to help get sponsors
Venues costs
General costs for conviention
Guest speaker fees

This convention is hoping to get sponsors with this non profits that will allow for local and non local guest speakers to attend, and Awards banquet and an investigation and more .


Other Ways You Can Help

Please share this even if you cant donate some one you know may.

We also have sponsorships available and are always looking for odds and ends please messeage us if you are interested in finding others ways to help PCAB


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Choose your Perk


$20 USD
Will receive and official Bronze level donation certificate to PCAB
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed


$50 USD
Will receive and official Silver level donation certificate to PCAB
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed


$100 USD
Will receive and official Gold level donation certificate to PCAB
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed


$200 USD
Will receive and official Platinum level donation certificate to PCAB
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

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