What is this project about?
We hate waste. Each and everyday people discard plastic bottles into the environment. You can find plastic waste everywhere. Roadsides, the beach, even makes an Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Instead of waste, we see an above ground mine ripe for processing. It is important to see how we can extract more of this valuable resource from the waste stream. We get plastics for oil and that has significant environmental and economic implications. Plastic waste is several times more valuable than metals such as steel. So why waste it!
Plastics are difficult to recycle. Current recycling methods are complex and are not sustainable. Thus, I started tinkering to find out a more sustainable way to recycle plastic, and developed a breakthrough simple one-step process. Our recycling equipment can process all types of PET plastic products: bottles and thermoforms. Then, the old stuff is made into new plastic products.
We want to raise $5,000 to fund a full plastic recycling prototype with advance features to demonstrate the new recycling concept. All proceeds will go towards
testing the full prototype , and make a video to show its easy operation.
ENAS is proud of its new plastic bottle recycling concept to convert waste beverage bottles into chips at collection point(s).
We hope this recycling initiative will help raise visibility about the
importance of recycling with a goal to drive recycling rates up, and divert
millions of plastic bottles from entering the waste steam and potentially into
other plastic products.
The recycling equipment consist of Precision ovens and specially crystallization trays, where plastic bottles are melted and converted into to square chips to be latter used to make new plastic products. Capacity: about 1,000 empty bottles/day or 7.2 tons of plastic/yr. Ideal locations are those generating over a thousand containers/day: drop-off centers at Bottle Bill States, municipal convenience centers, schools, hotels, sport arenas, cruise ships, cafeterias, etc. ENAS' ovens reduce volume by 90%, lower disposal costs and produce quality valuable material.
Who are we?
ENAS is an emerging plastic recycling company. We are a small group of professionals living and working at western NC. We manage this project on our own with no government grants or subsidies.
Why this project?
Plastic is a valuable resource and should not be wasted. Increasing amounts of plastic waste cost us taxpayers billions of dollars/year to dispose at landfills. Landfills cost $1 million per acre per year, transportation over $45/ton, and litter clean up costs
over $100/ton. Of every 10 bottles made, 8 are disposed at landfills or thrown around. Recycling in smaller amounts at point of collection reduces volume by 90%, reduces transportation costs, increases recycling rates and saves $ to taxpayers by cost avoidance.
Why now?
The price of plastic is tied to the price of oil and gasoline. As price of gas goes up, the more we save. Recycling also reduces negative impacts on the environment; plastic does not decompose, lasting over 1,000 years. At North Carolina at
least 90 % of the residents have access to some type of plastic recycling, but
only recycles 18% of available PET bottles.
Why us?
We have the technical background to make this project a reality in early 2012. Its progress is monitored by solid waste management organizations and entrepreneurial organizations such as 20/20 Tech, BRECK, Advantage West and Land-of-Sky.
Our brand new e-mail is ovenas@att.net. Contact us for more information.
Donate to help the environment.
Technical Specifications:
RPET= recycled polystyrene terephthalate.
ENAS' precision ovens are safe and easy to operate. The glass window let you see the clear plastic material convert into strong white RPET right in front of you in less than 30 minutes. Uses 240 volts and has low energy consumption.
Contact us at ovenas@att.net with questions or feel free to post at our website: http://www.plasticeans.co.
What We Need & What You Get
$5,000 will cover the cost testing a new prototype and making a video showing that recycling at the point of collection in relatively small amounts is an easy, viable and cost-effective alternative to supplement existing practices, Ms. Blanco has been founding the project to conduct preliminary activities, prototypes and beta testing. But, additional resources are needed until sufficient recycled material is produced to sustain the operation. Should our funding goals fall short, funds received will be used towards producing a community education booklet targeted to schoolchildren on how recycling helps maintain a healthy environment.
To show how grateful we are for your participation in this noble cause, we offer unique perks at various levels: $1,000- reading pad; $500- 8GB flash disk; $100- home made "Baklava" box; $50- carrying tote with recycle logo $20- your name plus names of other contributors in a large frame and prominently displayed at the Collection/Accumulation center, plus a thank you card. Our success will be due to the good folks who pass along this campaign
to their friends and contacts. If you like what you see and decide to
participate, just select the contribution that best suits you.
Other Ways You Can Help
As always, we ask that you help us to spread the news in any way you can, by e-mail, social media or some good old gossip. Using the e-mail feature in the main page makes it real easy to send to friends. And don't forget to check on us regularly; we are updating our progress on a weekly basis.
Remember, to preserve the environment and decrease plastic waste, send this notice to your contacts with similar ideas. Most people are interested in protecting the environment, but do not know how. It is easy:
Again, thanks for your support!