Help preserve
We are seeking funding to build a Vodoun Castle center where we will help preserve West African traditions that have been around for centuries. Vodoun is an empowering and universal spiritual tradition that faces constant challenges to survival, including popular misconceptions and damaging stereotypes such as zombies that flourish due to lack of factual information.
Your donation will go directly toward the creation of our center. As a token of our gratitude, you’ll receive a documentary about Afa, the Oracle of Destiny. Larger donors will also receive a documentary that delves into the story of the Mami Wata cult of the mermaids. We are of course deeply grateful for any level of support you are able to offer for this important project.
This is Legba messenger and gate keeper of all the spiritual realms. Help us to keep these ancient traditions preserved.
Mami Wata
The Mami Wata deities, commonly referred to as mermaids, are another frequently misunderstood aspect of Voudon. Even though priests have been communicating with the Mami Wata for centuries and they constantly interact with and possess followers even in the present day, a lot of people still picture Disney mermaids.
A project like this is important to educate, help, preserve. African traditions not just for Ghana but for all.
Vodoun charm for luck one of our lucky perks !
Afa "Ifa" "Fa"
Afa, also known as Ifa or Fa, is a sacred divination system that can reveal a person’s destiny, even how a child’s life will unfold all the way through adulthood. Afa is widely practiced in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cuba, and Brazil and is spreading across the globe. By supporting our Afa project, you will allow us to conduct studies and produce educational documentaries following the spiritual experiences of initiates. Our first study will be an extensive comparison of Cuban Ifa and West African (Bokonon) Afa.
My name is Leo. I'm a Bokonon Priest in West African Vodoun. Vodoun is practiced by the Ewe, Fonn and the Mina tribes of West Africa, from Benin to Togo and Ghana. According to the Ewe, this is diverse ancient tradition with its many cults and complex structure is rooted in beginnings of the universe. The practice of Vodoun is highly spiritual, calling on practitioners to communicate with ancient deities on a daily basis.
I want you to join me and my group as we help preserve these incredible traditions. It will be a struggle to ensure that the history, knowledge, and wisdom passed on to us from ancient times isn’t drowned out by the waves of newer faiths brought by missionaries. Whether you would like to join our organization or make a donation for our center, or even just spread the word so that more will know about our projects, I would like to thank you on behalf of all of us. One day, with your help, people around the world will be able to visit the Vodoun Castle and experience the wonders of Vodoun.
We thank all who can contribute and those who can't but want to we ask those too also pass the word around about our project so maybe one day many can visit the VODOUN CASTLE and experience the wonders of Vodoun.