Short Summary
The movie:
"His hybrid is his
playground. The driver
of a transportation network service is working overtime in coastal California. Your destination is your goal…your departure is
his! PRND--Your seat belt cannot
save you now!"
My name is Josselyn Refauvelet. I was born in Annecy, France, and spent my youth in the French Alps.
For as long as I can remember I have worked in the movie industry--first as a special effects makeup artist, then as a set builder. Now, I am a director, editor, and filmmaker. This movie project, PRND, will be my first feature length film.
Thank you for taking time to read my summary, but please understand what is at stake when deciding whether or not to help a movie such as this come to life:
Funding for this project is critical, not simply to help a filmmaker create a movie, but to help break the bonds that keep cinema tied to big-budget ideas with mass appeal. Creating a movie such as PRND requires a collaboration of many artists, technicians, and creative minds--and lack of funding for independent films such as this one can keep the magic and vision from being presented to the world. By contributing, no matter how much or how little, you are working directly with me and my crew to provide art and entertainment that would otherwise not exist.
If a financial contribution is not possible...and I understand this completely...even sharing this campaign or commenting on my project can make contributors and talents aware of my cause. Thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart for anything you can do.
What We Need & What You Get
The $5,000 I hope to raise with this funding project will go, mostly, toward food and expenses for the cast and crew that will bring this movie to life. There are no paid positions...we are working for the passion of the project...but I cannot ask the artists and technicians to work at their personal expense.
Other expected expenses are gear and vehicle rental, lights, and permits. I provide a small stipend to the crew for gas and other incidental items as well.
The perks we offer are low cost, but still designed to give you a tangible piece of the project, while enabling us to use your funding for the purpose it is needed.
A printed page of the script can put an actual film-making tool in your hand.
The poster is a reminder of the movie you brought to life!
The signatures represent honest appreciation from passionate artists and technicians.
Our Facebook "tags" will link you with the project in a way that tells your friends and network that you are doing more than "rooting for the good guys," you are making it happen in a real, tangible way.
If we don't reach our goal of $5,000, we will move forward anyway. Our comfort may have to be sacrificed, and our deadline may have to be extended, we may have to perform another fund drive, but PRND will become a reality. Even if we come up short, we will find a way...I promise you.
The Impact
This movie, on such a budget, will deliver everything the larger companies spend one hundred, or one thousand times as much money on. Our resourcefulness and skill level will show you that it is not the money that creates the is the talent.
When this comes together as I know it can, there will be a "part 2" in the future.
I have met every challenge to date, and this one will be no different!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to make a financial contribution, but would still like to help bring this project to life...please use the sharable link to promote this fund drive on your social media. We need all the exposure we can get, and any attention you can generate will help push this movie into production!
Thank you so much for reading and checking out our trailer.
Joss Refauvelet