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GETTING THE TRUTH OUT 24/7. Help us launch an Alternative TV Network on the Internet.

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GETTING THE TRUTH OUT 24/7. Help us launch an Alternative TV Network on the Internet.

GETTING THE TRUTH OUT 24/7. Help us launch an Alternative TV Network on the Internet.

GETTING THE TRUTH OUT 24/7. Help us launch an Alternative TV Network on the Internet.

GETTING THE TRUTH OUT 24/7. Help us launch an Alternative TV Network on the Internet.

Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy
1 Campaign |
Oak Park, United States
$5,850 USD 189 backers
5% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Project Camelot TV Network

A virtual network with the top hosts from radio along with whistleblowers, researchers and authors, doing what conventional TV refuses to do. Going where they dare not go... We will be a network by and for the people. Gathering the best information and unafraid to tell the truth and explore previously unexplored territory. Divergent. Insurgent. Defiant. A Network that believes that entertainment and enlightenment are not mutually exclusive. We will define awakening and bring our audience the best of what is out there. Because the truth is out there and in all of us.

Alternative Media with a difference. Pushing the envelope and revealing what it means to be human.

The Plan

We will be a free alternative media channel broadcasting live beginning with 5 hours daily, (5 days a week) and growing into round-the-clock coverage with 12 hours live and 12 hours of shows in rotation daily.  All shows will be viewable directly during and after the live broadcast, free on Youtube and on demand also streaming non-stop on our player.

Revenue streams:


1) Youtube ads (Google Adsense) and website ads.

2) Direct Ads:  We will sell ad space for :15 and :30 second spots to be provided by like-minded companies at the top and bottom of every hour.

3)  We will create a platform using a state of the art player along with an ad serving component with every show.

Subscriptions:  (viewers choice)

1) Free - all users will register to watch shows on our embedded player supported by advertising.


2) Ad Free Viewing - $5.99/month (1 year subscription)  or $7.99/month to month.


Affiliate Marketing, Merchandising - T-shirts, mugs, stickers and much more...  with hosts and whistleblowers pictures, our logo etc.  DVDs and podcasts.

Strategic Partnerships with Like Minded Companies 


To begin with we will build off of the incredible success of internet radio. The wild west of the internet has spawned a great freedom where anyone can host their own radio show and invite guests and talk about anything and everything that they desire. This has opened up a mad community of creative endeavor worldwide. So too, with video and social media. The world is talking. And we are going to build on this freedom and expand upon it.

By gathering together top radio talk show hosts, researchers, authors and whistleblowers, we will expand upon the current trend going in an under utilized space -- internet TV -- and go Visual giving hosts tools that radio cannot provide. With the focus on handheld devices, phones, ipads, our audio only world moves into living color with all the attendant creativity that engenders.

The world is Watching. And the more connected we become the less likely we are to be deceived.... We are banding together to change the world and ourselves. And Project Camelot TV fully intends to be on the forefront of that expansion.

Why Now

Six major media companies control 90% of everything we read, watch and listen to.  With the success of the internet, we are entering a time where those in power positions due to money and the influence that comes with it no longer take center stage. The people are choosing what they want to watch, when and how. Camelot's success has come directly from this sea change in the marketplace. People increasingly, vote with their feet. They are leaving the networks in increasing numbers in search of truth and a desire for more....

What we intend to provide is an answer to mainstream network TV that incorporates the wild west of freedom of choice from the internet along with embracing the TV revolution evidenced by Youtube where everyone is a director and a producer. What is missing from this mix is a challenge to the major cable stations and networks in the area of scripted and unscripted series as well as news and commentary. It's time someone came along to supply content that utilizes a TV platform with all the advantages of the internet, focused on getting the truth out.

Who We Are

Alternative Media has come of age and Project Camelot TV plans to centralize the very best we have to offer from our sector. Over the years, Camelot has become a "go to" point of reference for the awakening on the planet reporting on the false flags, secret space programs, alternative health and innovation in the area of free energy.  In many ways, Project Camelot has led the charge doing video interviews with whistleblowers, researchers and authors that has led to countless copycat ventures.

We have, in many ways, been on the avant-guard of the Youtube generation breaking new ground in the area of Guerilla filmmaking and video interviews. Our work has transformed talk radio and video on Youtube into a groundbreaking new medium where interviewing whistleblowers and truth tellers has become the norm. For the past 10 years we have traveled the world finding whistleblowers and authors willing to come forward and reveal levels of secrecy known up to that time, by only a select few.

With this in mind, is it any wonder that Project Camelot is stepping up at this time to again transform the media landscape? Not only is this the time, but I suggest we must take advantage of this level of development and freedom, a nexus, that may not come again in the foreseeable future. We need to work together now to provide a place for truth in broadcasting, a central hub where investigative journalism and open communication can thrive without censorship and where we can freely explore what it means to be human. 

It is time we unite to present a challenge to those who have taken control of the media and in the process the hearts and minds of the masses. We are the ones we have been waiting for... it's time and it's Our Time  

We Can't Do It Without You

We are offering a list of perks with you in mind. Bandwidth and funding to pay for the infrastructure for the network, to pay hosts and production staff and provide security for our content is crucial.  We are looking to raise seed funding to get our channel off the ground so that we can provide a good quality stream without interruption with good audio and lighting.  

We want to create a round-the-clock TV Channel on the internet that is also available for viewing on Roku and Apple TV.  

Help us 'break on through' to cover the stories that matter around the globe.

Our Team

Kerry Lynn Cassidy  - Founder / CEO


Kerry Cassidy is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well known radio talk show host of Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio and Camelot TV broadcaster.  Her website Project Camelot ( ) is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel that has millions of viewers worldwide and over 117,000 subscribers. She speaks at conferences around the world and has produced several highly regarded Camelot conferences with the trademark name "Awake and Aware" featuring key witnesses and researchers that are part of the Camelot history of interviews.  KERRY'S BLOG has gone viral and become a must see news commentary space picked up by alternative news organizations around the world. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy.

Paladin  - CFO

Paladin is a forensic financial investigator with a background in corporate and government agency contracts.

Igor  - Webmaster

Neil Anthony Sanford - Designer, Editor, Musician


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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Thank you email from Project Camelot team and your name listed on a PCTV contributor’s page on site if desired.
29 claimed

Jump Starter

$25 USD
A .pdf copy of the Project Camelot first volume of interviews.
17 claimed


$50 USD
Project Camelot TV Network T-shirt or tank top or Ads Free 1 year subscription to PCTV Network Channel.
23 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$100 USD
1) Free attendance at a Project Camelot Conference or (2) signed advance copy of Kerry’s soon to be released book or (3) a signed copy of the first edition edition of the Camelot Book.
16 claimed


$500 USD
CHOICE (1) Free one month of advertising on the site or (2) complete set of DVDs of the Awake & Aware Time Travel Conference or (3) substitute a 5 DVD set or downloadable (DVD quality) file of 5 interviews of their choice.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$1,000 USD
Personal Q & A with Kerry for 30 minutes on skype
0 claimed


$5,000 USD
Dinner w/Kerry Cassidy and your choice of any of the above Perks.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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