We are pleased to announce Robert Rollins will be directing his second feature film rec|ON, following DREAM COUNTRY.
Robert intends to shoot rec|ON as a found footage film, a technique that was so effective used in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, CLOVERFIELD and DISTRICT 9. We’re asking for your support to get this ambitious film made.
THE STORY | Matt is a YouTube vlogger and internet personality. He hopes his rec|ON vlogs will help him break into Hollywood. A friend gives Matt a new operating system to beta test, named Aylaya. Initially, Aylaya works like a dream, streamlining the every day tasks of Matt’s life. Slowly, a darker side emerges and Matt’s plans, his life and the lives of his friends are turned upside down. Aylaya is an operating system that is truly out of this world.
As it is for so many other independent filmmakers, crowdfunding makes up an important part of the financing mix for our projects. It proves to potential investors and distributors there's an audience for the stories we tell.
PRODUCTION COSTS | We have put together a budget that will get this film made. The screenplay is ready. The cast will be talented, but as yet, unknown actors. Think Johnny Depp in NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, Kevin Bacon in FRIDAY THE 13TH or Tom Cruise in THE OUTSIDERS. In addition to cast salaries there will be the standard film costs: crew, lights, costumes, makeup, editing, music, special effects, food and funds to deliver the film to distributors in multiple formats.
PERKS | In return for your support we can offer you a variety of perks — DVDs, digital downloads, posters, props, a Fan Package and other unique incentives. Check them out! And come back often; we’ll be adding new perks throughout the campaign.
Indiegogo's "flexible funding" option allows us to prioritize funds raised even if we can’t raise the full amount. Our top priorities are: production, editing, music, visual effects and film preparation for multiple distribution formats. Every dollar you contribute will show up in production value on the screen. When this movie screens, it will make all of us proud.
Little films like ours don't have to look little. We pushed DREAM COUNTRY well past the place other comparably budgeted features go. We already have some investors for rec|ON. Indiegogo support will give us the money to make the movie the best it can be, and to bring it to the screen as quickly as possible.
rec|ON examines friendship, explores the growing YouTube culture and looks at our increasing reliance on technology to live our lives.
Producing a feature film is a huge and expensive logistical challenge. There are a lot of things that can go wrong — personnel problems, bad weather, and unexpected costs.
We've produced one feature film, and learned how to carefully plan our productions and make the best use of every dollar we raise. Our best hedge against risk is our experience as resourceful producers. Our best asset is our willingness to take risks.
Thanks for supporting rec|ON. We appreciate every dollar you're able to contribute. Please remember there ways to back rec|ON with effort as well as money.
TELL people! Use Indiegogo Share Tools to make them aware of rec|ON. Let them know — tweet, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr for rec|ON! Pressing the ‘Like’ button is awesome, but using the ‘Share’ button makes you a superhero.
MULTIPLY your contribution by participating in the referral contest. The more of your friends who contribute, the greater the rewards offered for your assistance.
Q. What happened to the perk I was interested in? It disappeared!
A. If you want a perk that is no longer on the list, just contact us. We’ll do our best to make it happen. If you have ideas for new perks, send us a comment.
Q. I want to increase my contribution to qualify for a higher perk, but Indiegogo won't let me change the amount. How do I do it?
A. You want to contribute more? Here's the workaround:
- Click the 'Contribute Now' button.
- Select the additional amount you want to contribute.
- Send us a message explaining which higher perk you want to be bumped up to.
For Example...
Let's say you contributed $50 for an autographed DVD, but now you'd like to become an Indiegogo Producer (a $250 perk). Just do another contribution — this time for $200 — and we'll make it happen.
After you make your additional contribution, just message us that you gave twice and you'd like the appropriate perk. As in the example above $50+$200 = $250 for the Indiegogo Producer perk.