The rich and powerful have kept everything that was wrong about the post-war era, and rejected everything we got right.
today has its most right-wing government since the Second World War,
with a Conservative-led coalition focused on transferring wealth from
the public sector to the private sector, and debts from private to
public - which is why, after the £1.6 trillion bail-out, the banks
got away scot-free, and the government decided to wipe out services
for the most vulnerable instead, dismantling the welfare state and
privatising the NHS.
who talks about this? After the financial crisis, the corporate
mainstream media quickly mobilised to try and make people forget
about the banks, and instead believe "there's no money left"
- a lie. Even the staid BBC gives an unusual amount of coverage to
the Conservatives as opposed to their opposition, and have long since
stopped asking the important questions.
need an alternative media, and voices representing the people.
media activist Jay Baker, director of
Escape from Doncatraz, comes
Return to Doncatraz: a grassroots-based, guerilla documentary featuring interviews with those affected by government policy, in addition to experts such as human rights activist Peter Tatchell, anti-poverty campaigner Richard Murphy, and authors of
The Spirit Level, Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett.
What We Need & What You Get
film producers are making pro bono professional contributions as
directors, producers, and writers, as well as in their time committed
to this production, and a team of dedicated volunteers have joined the cause.
professionals such as camera operator and editor, combined with
necessary travel and accommodation, and basic publicity as well as TV
footage costs, account for the bulk of this budget.
entire feature is estimated to be approximately 1hr 15mins in
duration yet will premiere as a max. £4000 feature film, which is
incredible value for a movie made by experienced filmmaker personnel
dedicated to raising awareness of the damage being done to the UK by
the Conservative government - offering facts, statistics, and
information many members of the general public are unaware of. The
companion book is being financed by the filmmakers themselves.
already raised some funds, which have got production started. To
complete the film, we still need just £1700 to cover the expenses
of the filmmakers to travel to gather additional interviews and footage around
the country, edit the film, and market it so it reaches a wider audience - the more we move beyond the target, the more exposure we can get it. For example, £2000 would mean we could get it into independent cinemas around the country; £3000 would go ever further, and use any box office revenue from screenings to fund community premieres in disadvantaged areas where the right-wing threaten the most, and information is key.
contributing to this project you are investing in a value in itself:
the idea that alternative media can be made, that there is a demand
for it, and that it can be used to raise awareness about issues that
affect the lives of decent people who just want a fair chance.
you'll also get perks: the opportunity to meet the filmmakers; to
keep a copy of the film along with a supporters' pack to hold your
own community screenings with friends, family, and colleagues; or
even a credit on the film itself.
we don't reach our target, we'll still raise the funds as best we can
to reach the amount needed for these bare minimum costings - but
the film will reach a much wider audience if we're successfully backed by you, the people.
you can't contribute with a donation, we still value your support!
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Twitter, and
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don't take our word for it. Here's what previous funders have said after backing our earlier production costs: