We are launching this campaign for the most important pro-life movie in history. This will be the first movie ever about the true story of ROE v. WADE, the most famous court case in America that legalized Abortion. We need your help to fight for the lives of the unborn, because Hollywood refuses to.
Hollywood only wants you to hear their version of the story - in fact, there are 3 movies currently in development that take a pro-abortion stance. But you shouldn’t be surprised. Hollywood has always had an agenda to influence Americans to accept abortion, even if they have to re-write history to do it.
We need your support now more than ever. Facebook has banned us from inviting friends to "Like" our page and from "Sharing" our PAID ads. Breitbart even published an article on our campaign.
Check the article out here:
Thank you for your continued support!
A Portion of Net Proceeds will be Donated to Prolife Organizations
We have gotten such an overwhelming amount of support from the Prolife Community that we have decided to donate a portion of the Net Proceeds from the Movie to Prolife Organizations!
The Team:
Executive Producers: Dr. Alveda King, Stephen Baldwin, Nick Loeb & Nick Byassee
**** Dr. Alveda King will also be making a cameo in the film as Dr. Mildred Jefferson's Mother!!!
Co Executive Producers: Greg Swan, Brian Brown, Jalesia McQueen, Larry Cirignano, Mary Anne Urlakis, Rebecca Kiessling, Walter B. Hoye II
Co-Producer: Mindy Robinson
Producers: Cathy Allyn
This is the true untold story of ROE v. WADE:
We open the movie with the story of how it all began. It all started with a woman named Margaret Sanger. She was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Her initiative was called the Negro project, and as she gives a speech in the movie at a KKK rally, she describes her intentions to reduce the growth of African American population in our country.
In the movie, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the most famous abortionist of those times, then joins the cause.
They all then recruit feminist Betty Friedan to join their team.
Bernard and Betty, along with the team at Planned Parenthood, search the country to find a pregnant girl they can use to sue the government for her right to have an abortion.
Our characters find the perfect pawn: a broke girl with a 10th grade education named Norma McCorvey. She is now famously known as “Jane Roe.” They all convince Norma that she can have an abortion if she sues, knowing full well that her case will never get to the courts in time.
Our characters succeed, and we watch on as Norma sues Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County. Roe v. Wade is born.
Now that they finally had it in the courts, they had to get the Justices to vote their way, so they fed fake polls and fake statistics to the media.
This is when Bernard and Betty with Planned Parenthood even brought Hollywood on board getting them to do TV shows and movies about abortion.
This was all done to influence public opinion and manipulate the courts.
But there were a few people willing to step up to fight them. This fight is led by the film’s protagonist Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School. She believed that she became a doctor to protect life, not destroy it. Not only was she trying to save lives, she was trying to save her race.
She joined the Catholics, other men, and other women, to try to educate Americans on the truth, but they were up against the most well-funded revolution in 20th century America.
Mildred and her team marched, held up signs, got the police to raid illegal abortion clinics, adopted the unborn and most importantly, prayed to God for help.
Although they did everything they could possible do, the ban on abortion was overturned.
What most people don’t know is that the very people who spent their lives fighting to legalize abortion, were faced with the harsh consequences soon after. At the end of the movie Bernard through the help of new sonogram technology, realizes he is killing babies, confesses to all the lies and becomes a leading activist in the pro life movement. Even Norma, our Jane Roe, realizes she was manipulated and becomes a leading activist to protect life.
Our movie will not only shed a light on that truth but will also change hearts and minds. We have distribution on 1000 screens so even if just one person changes as a result of this movie, we will have saved a life.
Please pledge now, and share this campaign with your friends so we can bring ROE v. WADE to life.