Goal of this trip and the future of Hawaii:
The goals of this trip is to support the Hawaii Bicycling League's efforts to create the cycle track, safe bike lanes by networking on bicycle around the island with our Pedal-Powered Musical offerings.
The desire is to create a movement towards more people on the island sharing the bike lanes and getting involved in the 'bike-movement' that is happening on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. We are doing outreach in the following ways:
- This will create a launching party for the new safe Bike Lane on King Street in Honolulu with the Mayor Kirk Caldwell supporting by speaking through the pedal-powered system we are bringing from California.
- Creating a buzz about bikes on the island and the fun of the trip sharing music and culture while getting from point 'a' to 'b' by bicycle, carrying our instruments, speakers, and gear as we go
- FINALLY - create the buzz to officially make the Bicycle Music Festival happen in Hawaii in December 2015, which is a $40,000 budget!
Your contributions will help create a movement that can turn into actualizing less traffic on the H1, safer bike lanes for young and old to enjoy, and a cleaner, more sustainable environment for the future of Hawaii and conscious lifestyles and tourism. Our goal is to bring the complete system of Rock The Bike and the Bicycle Music Festival to Hawaii at it's fullest magnitude to create the most impact we can on the people we encounter, as well as create a final show December 2015 with 3,000 + attendees. Your support will make this happen!
What We Need & What You Get
Here is a take on what we need and what you get, as quick and efficient as we can say it:
- We need funds for bringing the appropriate custom speaker system, musicians, and contributions to get the people to the event(s) with a PR campaign,
- We are offering free compilation downloads of all the musicians involved, as well as Pedal-Powered compilation Rock The Bike CDs. We also can supply 'house concerts' for 2015, next trip we are in town.
- The funds will start from the top of this list and the more we get, the more we can fund: Food costs, Flyer/Poster Promotion, Bike Support and shipping costs, Expenses of travel for videographers, Expenses of travel for musicians.
- As of now, we are coming out of pocket for the Pedal power, shipping, printing, food, and all travel and performance costs. Your contribution will directly support us balancing our budget so that we can come full-force for 2015.
The Impact
This campaign is one way we are combating global warming. We believe that there is no better solution in transportation then the bicycle for local transportation for work, school, and daily activities. The reasoning behind this is through scrutinous studies on biodiesel, fuel cell, electric, and hybrid vehicle options. Some basic value listings of this work are:
- finding a way to decrease the carbon footprint of society
- Increase road safety for bikers
- decrease vehicle congestion on Oahu
Risks & Challenges
There is a risk in investing 4+ years of work into creating a movement on Oahu and being located in Northern California. As well, the investment of time and money into something that has not ever been done before is frightening. These challenges are met by the following qualifications:
- Passion for the environment and ties of local family on the island, making this a personal story.
- We are in close connection with the Hawaii Bicycle League, the longest running Bike Coalition of the Islands, and we working towards more partnerships with local municipalities, businesses, and movers-and-shakers such as Kirk Caldwell, Mayor of Honolulu and bike advocate himself.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that funds aren't always an option for contributing to the efforts of bringing safe bike lanes and riders to the island, so here are some other ways you can help out:
- Tell friends about the campaign, sharing on facebook and other social media, and/or personally emailing friends and family to engage in the pleasant revolution.
- IndieGogo has created share tools to make it easy to 'share' this page, so please take advantage of this. We also have more information at: www.soulgraffiti.info on how you might be able to participate in the future or come to one of the events being held by one of the many musicians involved in this artist for artist label 'for the environment'.
Thank you for your time and for helping with this project.