Get the new edition of SAINTS AND SINNERS!
An anthology of short stories featuring our most eclectic group of characters: The Wandering Jew & Catholic Boy, Maniac Priest, Godson, Demoniak and Ann Hellika!
In 2017 I published an oversized tabloid size edition of SAINTS AND SINNERS, a 20 page, 9" x 12" comic collecting 4 short stories plus new introductory pages hosted by Ann Hellika, Hell's belle.
It's high time to get this book back in print, and so I'm inviting you to pre-order your copy through this campaign. The new edition will be 24 pages of full color art, as I'm expanding the gallery section that includes promotional pieces and production art. There will be a new cover for this edition and the book will be printed at magazine size (8"x10.5"). The previous oversized "Treasury" version was fun to produce but the size bumped up the shipping cost, and even more so with today's prices! Included with the comic will be a new sticker featuring Ann Hellika & Limbo, the cat from Purgatory and a postcard featuring Jacob and Joaquin: The Wandering Jew & Catholic Boy!
Other tiers include retailer packages and original art options!
This new edition is slated to debut at the Alpha & Omega Con on September 24, but you can secure your signed copy today.
Your support will be appreciated and it'll make a difference!
Our goal is a modest $500, which will help offset the price of printing and manufacturing as well as shipping costs. If you pledge you will absolutely get your comics and other perks, regardless if we hit the full $500 goal. Any monies raised beyond that helps funds further production on future books.
The Impact
I've been publishing for 24 years, so I'm well experienced in book production, file prep and order fullfilment. In addition to publishing nearly 40 publications since 1998, I've ran a successful Kickstarter campaign and 2 previous IndieGoGo campaigns. No problems with any of the campaigns, and I imagine some of you have supported those in the past. (Thanks!).
Risks & Challenges
Production on the book is practically all completed, since I was basically reformatting the previous pages and making minor edits here and there. As far as supply chain issues, I'm using the same manufacturers I've used in the past (all U.S. companies) so in all honesty I don't anticipate any disruptions. The wild card nowadays is always USPS shipping. Of course any issues that come up I'll be sure to share that with everyone.
There are other ways to support the campaign!
If contributing a pledge today isn't possible then by all means please share the campaign online with your friends! We know there are people out there who would like these comics so please let them know about us. We appreciate any and all assistance you can give!