Our Story & Inspiration
George Langworthy and Rob McFarland of HoneyLove.org are joining forces to save a Million Bees in the spring of 2013. And we're putting forward this fundraising campaign as a vital first step to our efforts.
We've both been out saving bees that would otherwise face extermination and relocating the hives at Bee Sanctuaries. But the time involved and cost of equipment has been holding us back from going out and rescuing as many hives as are out there in need of our help.
Rescuing a Million Honeybees
Our plan is to rescue 50 bee colonies in Southern California. With 20,000 bees per hive – this makes for a million bees! It’s a big job and your support is crucial. By helping with donations to this fundraising drive you are literally saving the lives of honeybees – and you can choose from a host of sweet rewards. Of course the biggest reward is knowing you have done something that will truly help bees and our environment.
The use of the funds raised is very simple. The money goes to purchase equipment, pay for gas, and afford the significant time it takes to rescue bee colonies and relocate them. Our funding drive allocates $350 for every hive that we save.
Many companies charge upwards of $500 to remove bees without killing the colony. And since homeowners and other friends of the bees often can’t afford this – we'll be coming in to help and save the bees. Our beekeeping practices are strictly organic, holistic, and in keeping with the natural order of the hive. And we’ll be ensuring a healthy life for the rescued colonies by placing them on Organic Farms, at Bee Sanctuaries, and in Organic Gardens. Your support is what makes it possible for us to get out there and save bees.
With our respective track records, you can rest assured that we'll find success in our efforts and can see a fun bee rescue in our campaign video. Visit the HoneyLove.org website to find out more about Rob's non-profit organization. Or go to www.vanishingbees.com to learn about George’s documentary on the health crisis facing bees today and what we can do about it.
Helping Bees Every Day
It's easy to help bees in your every day life with simple actions that promote your own health as well as the health of our environment.
1 – Vote With Your Fork.
Buying organic produce helps nurture the food systems that take care of bees and the environment.
2 – Stop Home Pesticide Use.
Natural pest remedies are safer, more effective, and less expensive than toxic chemicals. Get rid of the pesticides in your cabinets, garages, and lawns.
3 – Plant A Garden.
Grow yummy food, delicious herbs, and beautiful flowers. It improves your health and helps the bees. Even people in apartments can grow food in planters or raise a window garden!
4 – Raise Awareness.
The first step to activate change is education. Let people know about the bee crisis and what they can do to help.