Vapers across America!
Remember where the indoor e-cig ban started? In New York. Yes, New York. NY is a bellwether state, so what happens here will cascade across the country.
As a vaper, you will not have access to the products you have grown to love AND your favorite vape shop will likely close. Are you ready to go back to harmful tobacco cigarettes?
Vapers! Help business owners fight to save vaping.
Here's what you can do:
Proactive NY vape shops have teamed up with national trade organizations and quite frankly, we need your support to raise funds to hire lobbyists and raise awareness through marketing campaigns. Please Contribute!
Lobbying is the ONLY way your government will listen! Everyone with an interest in vaping needs to band together - this may be our last chance to fight the corruption and infringement on your freedom to vape.
There are 13 bills in detail below that threaten the entire vape industry:
AB635 -Asw. Linda Rosenthal (D-NY) (full text here) Prohibits sales of any
quantity of an e-liquid.
AB296 –Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-NY) (full text here) Labels e-cigarette cartridges
as “tobacco” for the purpose of taxation
SB702 - Sen. Gustavo Rivera (D-NY)(full text here)Senate sister bill to AB 296
SB7202 - Sen. Gustavo Rivera (D-NY) (full text here) Labels anything containing
tobacco or nicotine “tobacco product” for the purpose of taxation unless
approved by the FDA as smoking cessation product.
A1496 - Asw. Linda Rosenthal (D-NY) Full text here) Prohibits use of vaporization products in certain areas (where
smoking is prohibited), increases purchasing age of tobacco and electronic
cigarettes from 18 to 21; directs Dept. of Health to evaluate the health
effects of electronic cigarettes on the public.
6. S 684 - Sen. Patrick Gallivan (R-NY) full text here)Requires the presentation of ID and use of verification software to scan and securely store purchasers’ photo ID for the purchase of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages if under age 25. Signage in store (white w/red letters at least 1/2” high); All products must be kept behind a container or locked container unless premises are restricted to people 18 years or older.
9. A2221 - Asm. Richard Gottfried (D-NY) (full text here) amends the public health law and the tax law, to define tobacco products; and to amend the public health law and the tax law, in relation to changing the minimum pack sizes for tobacco products and the tax amount for tobacco products
A1743 - Asm. J. Gary Pretlow (D-NY) (full text here) Relates to the sale of tobacco
products over the internet; requires companies selling tobacco products over
the internet to first send a form to individuals to sign stating that such
individual is eighteen years of age or older and upon receipt of such form, the
company may send the tobacco products if such person is over the requisite age.
11. AB2595 -Asw. Linda Rosenthal (D-NY) (full text here) Amends the public health law, in relation to including electronic cigarettes within provisions regulating smoking in certain public areas
12. SB2202 - Sen. Kemp Hannon (R-NY) (full text here) Makes the restrictions relating to smoking in public areas applicable to electronic cigarettes; and requires retailers of electronic cigarettes, not otherwise registered with the department of taxation and finance to sell tobacco products, to register with the department of health.
13. NY 25149 2015 – Rule Review, Dept of Taxation & Finance (full text here) Reviews rules concerning informational returns for wholesale dealers of cigarettes and tobacco products. Forces shop owners to report informational returns quarterly.
....And there's more that you can do:
For further action, visit National Vapers Club's NY State engagement page. You'll find information on state and federal bills and who is sponsoring them, plus easy access to call/write/tweet/meet with YOUR legislator.
National Vapers Club Link
We thank you for your support and appreciate any donations. Vape ON!
Beyond Vape, Brooklyn Vaper, Cherry Vape, City Vape, Henley Vaporium, Vape NY, Vapor World, White Plains Vapor