The Story - Why Should You Donate?
Hi - My name is Ula, originally from Texas living in Mexico. I am heading to the boarder between Poland and Ukraine to help with the mass number of animals that are injured or are being left behind due to the war. I am joining up with an organization of volunteers once I am on the ground. Once I am in Poland, I will need all the funds I can get to purchase supplies and stock that will be needed at the boarder, everything from kibble to medical supplies, the needs change constantly.
- This will be my first time in Poland, but not my first time in this area of Europe. I have worked as a vet tech, animal trainer, manager at an SPCA and 9 years as a coordinator on an ortho- trauma floor (human). I am looking forward to helping in anyway I can.
- Any donations that are collected will be used to purchase what will be needed at the boarder as well as in Ukraine in all regions, including the far East regions. There are hundreds of thousands of animals that are being left behind, not because families want to, but because the transportation system just cannot handle the capacity of people and animals. They are having to make the heart wrenching decision to leave their pets behind in order to save themselves and their family.
- Every dollar can make a difference. Currently one dollar will get me 4 Polish zloty, and that will go very far. Poland is a very economical country and the exchange rate is favorable for the dollar.
Help animals directly by sending your money straight to the region, the most effective and efficient way for your donation to go further.
Some of the supplies I will be purchasing
To give you an idea, here is a list of what the organization is asking for in general:
- Dry dog / cat food
- Canned dog / cat food
- Stainless bowls
- Carriers / crates
- Leashes, collars, muzzles
- Veterinary supplies (basic- gloves, gauze, bandages, etc)
- And more
The Impact
Donations to this campaign will go 100% to the animals. Not one penny will be spent on overhead, administrative costs or bureaucracy. It will help the local economy and go straight to the animals in need, nothing in the middle.
- Having the ability to get your support right to the front lines.
- I am working with others that have the same passion for animals that I do.
- If you are not comfortable contributing to me personally, I do ask that you please visit and consider donating directly to the Ukrainian government.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- I know sometimes you just don’t have anything you can spare right now, but can you spare a few moments of your time? If so, that can make a difference. If you can just take a few seconds to share this campaign with people you know that I don’t, maybe tell them a little bit about me and that this is a worthwhile cause, that is just as good as a donation!
- Please share to your other social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Instagram!
Thanks for taking the time.
Itinerary ::