We are Sam Sparxs Studio!
I am Samenta Agee, founder and elite cinephile. In 2016 I was lucky enough to be able to spend about 4 months in LA working on various projects at Warner Bros, Amazon Studios, AFI and more. When responsibility in Texas called me away from the thrilling-yet tough-work of show business, I was devastated.
I was moving away to a state that didn’t have the same abundance of opportunities that California had. Then an idea was presented to me:
How many people in Texas want the opportunity to have that kind of but can't leave the state.
Why not start my own studio? How does one start?
This film is the first project under the studio name.
What makes this project important?
Imagine yourself as a man.
(Insert a Denzel Washington voice)
I am in a really tough spot right now and I need quick cash. What can I do?
Does your mind go to some handyman services, mowing a lawn or painting a wall?
Imagine yourself as a woman.
(Insert breathy Marilyn Monroe voice)
I am in a really tough spot right now and I need quick cash. What can I do?
Does your mind immediately travel to some seedy motel or a date in a parked car at some abandoned lot?
This is exactly the kind of situation our lead finds herself in.
What Makes It Different?
The opportunity to know the man behind the ad, frankly.
Why Should You Invest?
Other than wearing the title of 'Patron of the Arts'? This venture requires funding to pay for the crew/ location/ SFX. Without funding, an idea is just that… an idea. It is challenging to get a big idea, especially in film, made without generous backers.
Other ways you can help?
We don't want you to have to answer an ad to contribute to us (See what we did there). If money is a little tight, share! We know you know someone, who probably knows someone.